1. What is a 'Secret Santa' exchange?
Good question! Well, if you're not sure, that is. According to wikipedia: "Secret Santa is a Western Christmas tradition, in which members of a group or community are randomly assigned a person to whom they anonymously give a gift." In this case, participants will be randomly assigned a person for whom they anonymously write fic of minimum 1500 words for - in return, someone will do the same for them! If you have never participated in a fic exchange before, here is a
handy dandy guide! (they're a little mean. it's okay, we're a little nicer. a little.)
2. So about the anonymous thing...
That's right, this is an anonymous exchange. Comments to the sign-up post will be screened, and assignments will be sent out by email. Since this is after all a secret santa and we wouldn't want to spoil the fun for anyone, please refrain from discussing your assignment with anyone except for your beta. This includes posting your fic in parts or whole in f-locked entries, tweets, tumblr, plurks, memes, etc. If you have questions regarding your assignment, please contact the mods! Under no circumstance may you contact your exchange recepient directly. Especially because B1A4 is a relatively small fandom, it's very possible you might have your friend as either your santa or giftee. And we wouldn't want to spoil the fun, would we? So remember, mouth zipped and throw away the key~
3. Betas?
Well, a beta isn't necessary, if you have confidence that you can competently proofread/edit your own work. Due to the nature of the exchange, we ask that you do not ask a fellow participant to beta your work - it's possible one of you has the other as their recepient, after all! (PS this has happened and it has been awkward.) If you require a beta, please ask us, and we'll find someone for you!
With that said, if you don't feel comfortable writing for the exchange, that doesn't mean you can't still participate as a beta! If you'd like to offer your services as a beta, please see the form below :)
4. What if I/the person writing for me/I'm writing for drops out?
First of all, we'll all be very sad. If you have to drop out, we would really like to know sooner rather than later, however. Preferably by October 31! We understand that it's, at times, unavoidable due to circumstances, but we'd love if you did try your best. If it's a week before the deadline and you feel like you'd manage with an extra few days, talk to us about an extension!
If the person who was assigned you drops out, we'll do our best to assign you a pinch-hitter (to sign up as only a pinch hitter, please see below as well!), because we really want everyone to receive at least a little piece of these dorky boys!
If the person you're writing for drops out, well, continue on as before! I'm sure you'll still be able to bring a smile to their faces :)
5. So I want to participate. How exactly does this work?
Simple. First, you sign up! (PS. Please watch the community!! Sporadic updates may be posted here, and you wouldn't want to miss them. And maybe sometimes cats. Or bunnies. You don't want to miss those either.) Sign ups close October 3. Next, you wait while magical things happen, and by October 5, you will receive an email with your super secret assignment. And then you write! (Or, you know, go hermit on the top of a mountain/stand under a waterfall/hunt out all chocolate chips in a ten-mile radius in preparation for writing, we won't judge. Or know.)
We'll check in with you every now and then just to see how you're doing. By the end of November, we really hope you at least have a good idea of what you're writing. Otherwise, we may ask you to consider if you can realistically finish on time.
By December 24, you will have sent in your completed, edited, proofread, ready-to-eat fic of at least 1.5k to the mod email! More details on fic submission will come closer to the date. And then you sit and wait. Again. Except this time, there are presents at the other end! Fics will be posted in the comm, and they'll have your name on them. (If they're for you, that is!) After all the fics have been posted, there will be the grand reveal, during which you get to find out who wrote your fic.
After the reveals, authors, feel free to repost to your own fic comm/journal!
6. tl;dr
Um. Sign up below by Oct 3, watch the comm, receive assgt by Oct 5, send us fic (with wordcount greater than 1500) by Dec 24, all while keeping it ~*top secret*~ Alternatively, see timelines below :|
7. I have a question...
Feel free to ask here (comments are screened), pm the mod account, or email us at b1a4ss.mods@gmail.com!
Sign-ups close: October 3
Assignments sent out by: October 5
Drop out deadline: November 30
Submission Deadline: December 24
Fics posted: December 25-31
Reveals: January 1
*Note: all dates are subject to change
sign up form
Username: Your username!
Name: Your name! Or, you know, something to call you by.
Email: This is very important, please check it twice! Assignments and checks will be sent by email, and occasional announcements.
What you will not write: We understand you have your limits, and will try to make sure your assignment does not fall completely under things you are uncomfortable writing.
Highest rating you will write: Similarly, if someone's only request is NC17 and you refuse to write anything above PG13, please mention that here!
Dear Santa, I would like: The important part! The very important part. Please do not simply say 'anything'. Similarly, please do not be too specific. Feel free to list more than one pairing/prompt to give your writer a little choice :) Keep in mind that this is the only thing your writer will be receiving about your request, so be as detailed as you like! Oh PS because this is a B1A4 Secret Santa exchange, please ensure the main focus is someone(s) in B1A4. Cameo crossovers are allowed!
Dear Santa, I would not like: The flip side: what do you really not want to read? It's okay, we understand if you really don't want to see Sandeul in a dress.
Are you willing to pinch-hit? As a pinch-hitter, we may call on you to be someone's emergency secret santa.
Are you willing to beta? Would you like to help out someone who might need a beta? Don't worry, we'll make sure you're not their assignment!
Sign-Up Form:
Username: Name: Email: What you will not write: Highest rating you will write: Dear Santa, I would like: (Pairings/Prompts)
Dear Santa, I would not like: Are you willing to pinch-hit? Are you willing to beta? Pinch-hitting/beta sign up form: (do not fill this out if you are signing up)
Username: Name: Email: Pinch hit? Beta? Number of sign ups to date: 15
Note: Assignments should be sent out by Wednesday Midnight EST, but if they are a bit late, please bare with us. Real life is kind of hard sometimes. At the latest, you will get them mid-day Thursday.