#5 - For Jaegi_hyung, From: Your Secret Santa!

Dec 27, 2013 18:58

Title: desperate times, desperate measures & a need for yellow
For: jaegi_hyung
Pairing/Focus: baro-centric/ot5
Rating: g
Word Count: ~2432
Summary: sunwoo’s invited for a dinner with reply 1994 staff and cast but needs help dressing appropriately for the occasion.
Notes/Warnings: warning for majorly derpy b1a4 at times. i hope this fulfils your prompts nicely, i tried to fit in what i could. yeh. this was a lot of fun to do. merry christmas!

Initially when Sunwoo had been cast for Reply 1994, there had been a bubble of excitement and kept it to himself. He had been sworn to secrecy by the producers and asked not to tell even his bandmates, which was hard considering how they ate, lived and breathed in the same spaces twenty-four-seven.
Once he revealed his role, the weight lifted from his chest with excited babbling about his casting. Once the show aired, A4 would watch their precious B1 on screen each week and give him advice and compliments. It was amazing to see the difference between the Baro of B1A4 and the Binggeurae on screen. Dongwoo, especially, was full of praise for the young rapper.
Then Sunwoo was informed of an important wrap-up dinner for select members of the staff and cast who had worked on Reply 1994. At first he was excited but it soon gave way to worry. He wasn’t exactly known for his good fashion sense (since he opted to wear a baseball cap with nearly all his outfits) and knew he needed help. Sunwoo really wanted to make a good impression with this dinner.
So he turned to Dongwoo. Even though it was widely known that Dongwoo’s elder sister had been the one who shopped for him and dressed him pre-debut, he had come into his own with his fashion style and really knew how to compliment his body type. Still, it wasn’t an easy task to come to a hyung and ask for his advice.
Jittery that afternoon, Sunwoo waited until Junghwan, Jinyoung and Chansik busied themselves around the dorm doing their own things before calling Dongwoo into his bedroom that he shared with their live-in manager. “Hyung, hyung - come here…please?” Large, brown eyes peeked from around a door and Dongwoo looked over. It took more pleading and some frantic waving of his hand for Sunwoo to coerce Dongwoo to finally come over.
“What-- Whoa!” Dongwoo turned on his heel at the immediate sight of Sunwoo in his boxers. Not missing a beat, the smaller male grabbed at Dongwoo’s collar and yanked him back into the room.
“Um, Sunwoo, I’m not into-“
“Shut up.” Sunwoo huffed, a frown creasing his features before he folded his arms across his chest. He stood in front of the door in an effort to block Dongwoo’s only exit. “I need your help.”
To this, Dongwoo quirked an eyebrow and Sunwoo could almost see the cogs in his hyung’s brain whirling around. No, he wasn’t asking for that kind of help - geez. Rolling his eyes, he gestured to his bed. Or what was once his bed. It now resembled more of a disorderly mountain of clothes. Dongwoo paled.
“Cha Sunwoo! Look at this mess!” He tutted under his breath and immediately made a beeline towards the bed to try and fold up some clothes. Sunwoo caught his sleeve and tugged him back.
“No, Hyung, I need your help in picking out an outfit…”
Dongwoo could hardly be called a fashion-forward fashionista, but he did know what materials or patterns worked together and was less likely to have airport faux pas than the rest of them. He had even been able to give Junghwan some quiet advice about what looked good or not and look how much he had improved! It only made sense to ask the eldest hyung of B1A4 what his opinion would be on Sunwoo’s dinner outfit. Sunwoo watched as Dongwoo put two and two together (since Sunwoo had barely shut up about his Big and Important dinner).
“Well…” Dongwoo ran a hand through his hair, his tone unsure and his expression mirroring his uncertain tone.
“Please? There’s no one else I could ask…”
They both knew this technically wasn’t true but they also both knew it was easier for Sunwoo to ask a hyung than a dongsaeng for help.
“Alright, alright, but I’m not making any promises. Show me what you picked out first and we’ll work from there.”
Nodding, Sunwoo quickly dressed in the outfit he had picked out first. It consisted of black, almost leather-like, skinny pants and a long, purple shirt. It had a wicked collar and spiked hem. Dongwoo seemed to be struggling not to laugh which made Sunwoo cross his arms.
“Well?” He asked, his solid glare on the other’s tall and slightly vibrating frame.
“You look like a Flintstone…?” Was Dongwoo’s first, and unhelpful comment, as a hand shot up to cover his mouth. Sunwoo knew he didn’t look great but a Flintwhatever? He didn’t know what that was but he could tell it wasn’t a good thing. This judgment was based on Dongwoo’s expression (one eyebrow raised, his mouth slightly screwed up and that uncertain look in his eyes).
“Yeah, okay, so it’s not great but - It’s a start, right?”
Sunwoo turned to inspect himself in the full-length mirror that rested against the wall, turning this way and that. Maybe it wasn’t the best choice for such an occasion. Unfortunately, Sunwoo didn’t have an endless supply of formal like attire, which was why he had thought Dongwoo would be a great help - Mr. Button-up-shirts-and-suits and… “Just.” He sighed, tugging at the shirt he was wearing but the pattern made his eyes want to cross and his stomach feel ill. “Help? Okay? Please?” He used his large eyes on Dongwoo, adopting a puppy-like expression and turning out his bottom lip into a fat pout. Surely Dongwoo couldn’t resist such an endearing attempt to look pitiful and pathetic?
“Fine.” There was a hint of a groan in Dongwoo’s voice but this was a victory nonetheless for Sunwoo. There wasn’t any time for an impromptu dance, which he was in the beginnings of, as Dongwoo picked through his clothes and attempted to co-ordinate them into something vaguely resembling an outfit that someone wouldn’t have to be insane to wear. Or something that made him look like a wannabe gangster rapper. Not that Dongwoo would ever vocalize such an opinion. He knew that Sunwoo had his own strong sense of fashion; it just didn’t work in his favour right now. Sunwoo bounced on his heels and waited.
“Hold on…”
“Well?” There was the tiniest hint of a whine in Sunwoo’s voice.
Dongwoo seemed to hum and ‘uh’ over his choices for a long time and it was frustrating to Sunwoo. He understood that sometimes Dongwoo was a little bit (a lot…) of a perfectionist but this wasn’t the time to be taking twenty minutes to decide on a shirt.
He tried again. “Well?” He forced himself to keep a steady tone and not grit his teeth. He was a bundle of nervous energy now, watching his hyung working with his limited wardrobe and he tried not to give away how nervous he was. This was a big deal and he knew not everyone had gotten an invite to this dinner. So, surely this had to be something important. He couldn’t help but think that perhaps, maybe, he would be offered something bigger? And better? In the world of acting? He wanted to act more and he had received a lot of praise for his part in Reply 1994 - was it wrong to feel so optimistic about the future?
Sunwoo ended up daydreaming about himself giving an Oscars acceptance speech and was only pulled from this when Dongwoo shoved some clothes into his arms and told him to change.
“Hyung, turn around and don’t look!”
Rolling his eyes and mumbling something about ‘seeing it all before’, Dongwoo turned as requested and waited. Sunwoo glared at the back of his hyung’s head, his cheeks pink before he also turned his back to Dongwoo. Undressing for attempt number fourteen, he redressed himself in the clothes that Dongwoo selected and then turned back. “You can look now.”
Looking up, he watched as Dongwoo turned on his heel and he gave him an unsure smile. “Does I look good?”
“Well, you always look good but…this - something is missing…”
“Needs more yellow!”
In sync, the two of them looked at each other with something akin to shock or horror on their faces. There, in the doorway, was a very smiley Junghwan. He had an armful of snacks and chocolate smeared around his face. Perhaps something of a clichéd scene, Junghwan seemed to be trying to explain himself (‘I found Jinyoung’s stash in our bedroom and thought I’d help him out since I’m so hungry and-‘) and then flung himself onto the bottom bunk. “Ooh, ohh - some stripes too? You know, checkered pattern and auburn are totally in this season!”
“What the heck do you know about what’s in this season?” Sunwoo scoffed and rolled his eyes but Dongwoo chuckled fondly at Junghwan’s advice.
“Well, Junghwan’s fashion sense is… improving?”
“Thanks hyung! It’s true that I, Lee Junghwan, am totally in style right now.” He unwrapped another piece of chocolate and popped it in his mouth, chewing with great gusto, which caused his eyes to form crescents in delight. Dongwoo and Sunwoo merely looked at one another, hoping he wasn’t talking about his actual appearance at that moment. Junghwan was wearing what was affectionately referred to as his ‘sloppy/indoors I’m-not-a-celebrity-right-now clothes’: loose fitting pajama bottoms with a faded design of various cartoon ducks, an oversized hoodie (which once belonged to Chanshik but Junghwan had claimed it when Sunwoo made it turn a shade of pink in the wash) and his hair looked like he had just woken up from a four day nap.
Was that really ‘in-style’? Doubtful.
Sunwoo made a face that made it evident he wasn’t going to trust Junghwan’s judgment on what he was supposed to wear to his Super Important Dinner. Luckily, at that moment, Junghwan was busying himself with unwrapping another something else to eat and didn’t notice the look Sunwoo was giving him.
“Junghwan’s right though?” Dongwoo interjected.
“I am?!” A very shocked Junghwan dropped whatever it was on Sunwoo’s bed before swiping it up again, leaving a small smudge of something. It wasn’t very often that he was listened to for such ideas weren’t taken into consideration.
Before his pride could inflate too much, Sunwoo exclaimed, “Hyung, you can’t be serious!”
Dongwoo shrugged. He didn’t know what to say or how to pinpoint what was exactly wrong with Sunwoo’s outfit - not that he had a chance to even try.
The door suddenly burst open, announcing the arrival of their leader as it bounced off the wall with a thud; all three boys were frozen as though caught in the midst of illegal activities. (Which was, of course, far from the truth.) Sunwoo covered himself with his hands even though he was fully clothed and Junghwan scrambled to hide his stash of ‘liberated’ snacks (the words he would use later in his defense). Dongwoo’s mouth hung open as he gaped. If Jinyoung had been in the mood to laugh, he would have been in hysterics. Unfortunately, he had a very stern look on his face.
“Where. Are. My. Snacks?!” He demanded.
“Now Jinyoung-hyung, let’s not jump to conclusions. Who’s to say these are your snacks? They could very well be my snacks. I have every right as you do to having snacks in the dorm an- ah ah ah!!” Junghwan’s babbling was ending when Jinyoung grabbed his ear. “Owie, don’t twist it! Maybe I did liberate them! But they were so sad and lonely in your desk…” He wibbled his bottom lip.
“So you’re the snack whisperer now?”
“You ate them all!”
“I was hungry!”
“We just had dinner!”
“Second dinner? Supper?”
“What about my outfit? Hello? Super Important Dinner?” Sunwoo waved his arms, keen to have attention diverted back to him and not on Junghwan doing what he did best. “Please can you both leave and let me get back to…this.”
Jinyoung finally took notice of Sunwoo. His head turned slowly, his eyes widening for a moment before returning to their normal size. “Oh. Well.” He frowned a little, trying to understand the situation before looking at Dongwoo who mouthed ‘Dinner’ and pointed to Sunwoo. “Oh.” He loosened his grip on Junghwan’s ear. “Um. Good luck with that…?”
“Hyung you have to help! Dongwoo-hyung is stuck and Junghwan’s being a big fat useless jerk.”
“Well, you are!”
“You’re just jealous because I get to spend all night with candy and chocolate and you’re stuck dressing up in a tuxedo.”
Sunwoo positively wailed, “Wait, am I supposed to be in a tuxedo?! Oh my god!” He started to pull at his hair. With all this commotion - Junghwan shouting about how Sunwoo was being a jerk, Jinyoung laughing and trying to offer help and Dongwoo inserting himself to mediate between Sunwoo and Junghan - Chanshik was woken from his nap. He shuffled into the room and went straight to the pile of clothes.
Silence permeated the room. Everyone stopped to watch as their youngest picked out a few articles of clothing and handed them to Sunwoo. “Wear this and don’t wake me again.” He said with a yawn as he left the room, presumably to go back to his nap.
Jinyoung was the first to leave the room. He gave Sunwoo a ‘hwaiting!’ sign before he left, calling for Junghwan to follow him. Junghwan gathered his snacks up, “You’ll look great, Sunwoo!” He said brightly, chasing after Jinyoung and dropping a few snacks along the way.
“Guess you should have asked Chanshik after all…” Dongwoo chimed in, amusement in his voice. Sunwoo nodded in return, still not quiet sure what had just happened. However, he took what Chanshik had given him, fixing his outfit and then posing for Dongwoo. “Yes, now it’s perfect.” The elder gave him a nod.
Giving a soft sigh, he nodded and checked his appearance one more time. He turned himself this way and that, inspecting his reflection from multiple angles. Dongwoo tried to reassure him of his appearance as he did so. “Okay. I’m going!” Sunwoo grinned, practically bouncing through the dorm and letting the door shut behind him with a loud bang.
Dongwoo sighed in amusement as he surveyed the carnage of Sunwoo’s room and started to pick up the discarded clothes.

baro, *cycle: 2013

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