[SO GENERALLY...]RiGHT NOW[WHAT ARE YOU LiSTENiNG TO]:I'm talkin' to my girl from English class. [WEARiNG ;)]:I'm wearing my foxy brown Fox hoodie. [WHO ARE YOU TALKiNG TO]:I just told you. [ARE YOU MiSSiNG SOMEONE]:I miss me bestest. [WATCHiNG ANYTHiNG ON TV]:I'm at school. [MAD AT SOMEONE]:I'm mad at my mom for being late this morning. [REGRETTiNG ANYTHiNG]:I regret being such a bitchface to my bestest. [EXCiTED ABOUT ANYTHiNG]:I'm excited about two-wheel weatheR... ;) [iN LOVE WiTH ANYONE]:I fucking hate the L word. [STRESSiNG OVER ANYTHiNG]:I would say so. [HAPPY]:I mean, I got a bangin' compliment today. HAVE YOU EVER[WRiTTEN YOUR NAME WiTH SOMEONE ELSES LAST NAME TO SEE HOW iT LOOKED]:I'm not that lame. [STAYED UP ALL NiGHT]:I mean, who hasn't? [CRiED SO MUCH YOU COULDNT ANYMORE]:I'm Ami, ya know? [GOTTEN iN A CAR WRECK]:I'm fucking Ami, if you didn't already know. [WERE YOU DRiViNG]:I mean, hotties wreck Hondas ;) [BEEN SO HAPPY YOU HUGGED THE PERSON NEXT TO YOU FOR NO REASON]:I was so happy about being single that I waved at the lady next to me on 355. [BEEN SO iN LOVE YOU LET THE PERSON GO B/C YOU KNEW iT WAS RiGHT FOR THEM]:I mean, that's basically what happened. [LAUGHED UNTiL YOU PHYSiCALLY HURT TO BAD TO KEEP GOiNG]:I do that all the time. [BEEN BROKEN HEARTED]:I miss my Teggy baby... [HAD A CLOSE FRiEND DiE]:I saw a gun pulled out on my bestest. [CRiED iN CHURCH]:I've cried while blazin' in my temple parking lot... [LAUGHED AT A FUNERAL]:I laughed at a funny joke that the speaker made. WHAT[iS YOUR NUMBER ONE GOAL]:I think I'm climbing the ladder. [iS YOUR NUMBER ONE ON SPEED DiAL]:I have voicemail as #1, but Shaggy is #2. [iS YOUR WORST FEAR]:I think it came true. [iS YOUR DEFAULT RiNGTONE]:I got "Ridin' Dirty" because it's how I roll(ed). [iS YOUR FAVORiTE RiNGTONE]:I like it. [iS YOUR OLDEST SiBLiNGS MiDDLE NAME]:I have no sibling. [DO YOU CONSiDER YOUR BiGGEST PET PEEVE]:I hate repetition, and being asked questions. DO YOU[GiVE UP EASiLY]:I get real cranky real quick. [KNOW WHEN TO BE SERiOUS]:I do. [HUG A PiLLOW WHEN YOU SLEEP]:I totally have a cuddle pillow. [LiSTEN TO MUSiC A LOT]:I always listen to music. [USE SONGS TO REMEMBER PEOPLE]:I do. [WATCH MANY MOViES]:I do not. [CONSiDER YOURSELF A HARD WORKER]:I mean, I can be. [LiKE HAViNG A COUPLE OF CLOSE FRiENDS OR MANY AQUAiNTANCES]:I like having a few tight friends. [LiKE TO PLAY DRESS UP]:I mean, I like gettin' scandalous sometimes... [SHOP A LOT]:I do. [WANT TO GET MARRiED]:I'd love to marry a guy who I can't stop competing with. [HAVE KiDS]:I do.
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