Oct 17, 2005 18:40
1. Smoked a cigarette? nope
2. Smoked a cigar? no, not 18
3. made out with a member of the same sex - I would've shot myself by now if I did
4. Crashed a friend's car? - no, just a stranger's
5. Stolen a car? - no
6. Been in love? - like I know love
7. Been dumped? - of course
8. Done a shot? - well, there was this one time in Mexico....
9. Been fired? - my parents won't let me get a job :(
10. Been in a fist fight? I wish, it'd get rid of some pent up rage haha
11. Snuck out of your house? - well, I DID leave a message on my mom's phone
12. Had feelings for someone who didnt have them back? probably, but I'm a wuss and never told them
13. Been arrested? - no
14. Made out with a stranger? I'm no pimp
15. Gone on a blind date? no
16. Lied to a friend? - I probably have....
17. Had a crush on a teacher? I hope I'm not that messed up (well, maybe in college it might not be so far-fetched, if they're just out of grad school.....forget that train of thought)
18. Skipped school? for band
20. Seen someone die? - no
21. Been on a plane? - every single summer, and then some more times too
22. Thrown up in a bar? - I can't drink yet
23. Taken painkillers? - when I broke my leg they made me
24. Miss someone right now? - nobody I can think of right now
25. Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? can't think of a time I did
26. Made a snow angel? - yeah, in Colorado
27. Played dress up? - I would if I had a gi (martial arts suit lol)
28. Cheated while playing a game? - only when I'm having terrible luck
29. Been lonely? - yeah, especially in crowds of people I don't know
30. Fallen asleep at work/school? - what else am I supposed to do? take notes?
31. Used a fake ID? only on the internet
32. Felt an earthquake? - no
33. Touched a snake? - yeah
34. Ran a red light? - well, I gas when it's yellow...
36. had detention? no my teachers love me lol
37. Been in a car accident? yeah...it was my fault too
38. Hated the way you look? - depends on my mood [good mood = "I'm too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt...." lol jk, but bad mood = "how much is plastic surgery?"]
39. Witnessed a crime? - on tv I have
41. Been lost? - I used to get lost when I was riding my bike in my subdivision.....
42. Been to the opposite side of the country? Texas is right in the middle, but I've been all over the world
43. Felt like dying? - well, I did have this horrible headache this one time
44. Cried yourself to sleep? - I don't remember the last time I cried
45. Played cops and robbers? heh heh heh, that's an awesome game
46. Karaoke? not in public
47. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? yes
48. Laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose? ouch, don't remind me
49. Caught a snowflake on your tongue? - I bet I have sometime
50. Kissed in the rain? - no
51. Sing in the shower? - I've got nothing better to do
53. Had a dream that you married someone? - I don't usually remember what I dream
54. Glued your hand to something - I can't remember whether I have or not
56. Worn the opposite sex's clothes? - I actually put on a dress for this presentation I had to do in 2nd grade....
57. Been a cheerleader? - uh, I'm a guy? you don't want to see that.
58. Sat on a roof top? - my bedroom window opens to the roof, what do you think?
59. didn't take a shower for a week - well, when I was little I used to take baths instead, that count?
60. Ever too scared to watch scary movies alone? - nope
61. Played chicken? - chicken fights, at least
62. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? - I jumped in myself lmao
63. Been told you're hot by a complete stranger? - yeah, two times that I can remember vividly. Both times were on cruises....the first time it was in 8th grade by this 30 year old woman, which really freaked me out. Next time was last spring break on my cruise, and she at least was about my age lol.
64. Broken a bone? my leg
65. Been easily amused? - why else would I be doing this?
66. Laugh so hard you cry? - I love it when that happens, cuz something had to have been really funny
68. Cheated on a test? - on a quiz, and I failed the damn thing too. grr... World History AP
69. Forgotten someone's name? - yeah
72. Been kicked out of your house? no
73. Blacked out from drinking? - nope
74. Played a prank on someone? of course, I just can't remember the details