If you could ask Simple Plan anything, what would you ask them?
elucidated x: how big are your penises.
s0methingofvalue: "Why do you suck"
E sundaydrive 11: why do canidians suck cock
Starslide12: umm why they wuld do anyhting for me
idont likesloths: I would ask them if the bass player had a girlfriend
iNste3pshad0ws: why the fuck do they have to be on nickolodien
bmxbrandy34: is your plan really all that simple?
WoahItsThea: i would prolly ask them if they could hook me up wit a record deal
Twitch Kungfu: "How does it feel to be the only girl in an almost all (barley) guy band? Do you look to Avril for any emotional support on such matters?"
EvilBolshevik: could you guys kill yourselves right now
LaserNinjaCHUNK: id ask that one guitarist why he uses that crappy ESP, for starters
SkatKat360: if we could do a few shows together
foxyroxy1431: if they could teach me to play guitar
http://thereserves_band.tripod.com.... now better tasting with guestbook marshmallows!! says:
hmm... probably "why are you so extremely homosexual?"
DazzlingDecember: how do they get along behind the scenes publicity
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