thnx for making the suprise party _ i always wanted one & it was great =]
the guys played and lots of ppl came nd it was just a nice time for myself
and it was pretty cool cause i got to see lots of bethpage people who i havnt seen in a long time.. thnx for coming guys.
i got $$.386 from all my friends plus some earing, clothing, and cds and other stuff.
[[ i will update all pics when i get the cameras developed and stuff ]]
i went to see ashlee simpson the other day with lau, kt, pete, mike, & joe.. it was pretty sick!
deathcab_for_ktbr0knxheartedthe_memoir<- they have sum pics =D
tho we waited 6 hrs nd only herd her voice. well after we had sum fun at a bbq @ joes
at the mall i did buy a few earings and 2 skirts + 1 shirt =D
the other nite was keiths party which was good.
after i slept @ kts with lau.
yesterday i went to see the little black book with lau, kt, pete & mike. =o it made me want a bf <3
after we made a lil bbq nd besides us we invited wade nd he brought jason then we invited jared cus hes silly nd then lots of others juss showerd up.
[[as you noticed us 5 have been hanging out nd its kinda wierd cus we didnt realize it was only us 5 so someone made a joke nd said 5 crew to death cus we were juss hanging out for like 3 days in a row nd it was pretty chill.
but i guess some people are making a big deal nd not realizing it was ment to be on perpose to hurt people nd for them to call us a little group shit cus thats retartd so get over it cus its not intentional.]]
and idk i miss hanging out with lots of my friends but the best thing i love is when you find one of your friends calling you while their drunk telling you your mean..
so i guess i juss gotta watch who i invite to my house these days
including the fact....
my grandma when i was in florida bought me almost $$800. of mac makeup
but seems like a lot of it is disapearing. and i think that mite have been the last time my grandma will ever be able to buy be make up again or go shopping with her cus she isnt doing to well with the cancer =/
so if i find out who is taking it ur fucking dead nd besides not allowed to go in my house again.
nd i swear!!
...but sometimes did u ever think that you didnt want to be the one calling people nd just said to yourself why dont they call you.. well thats how i get nd i always do think me and the other girls are close enough to not need to be invited they should just no to come, but i guess its not like that.
okay well there needs to be a big meeting to clear a lot of things up.
i want to have a bbq tonite so come nd well talk nd have a nice time!
because iam sorry and i really want whoever is mad at me to know that nd you obviously dont realize it realyl bothers me to be in problems with the ones that you love
k thnx i love & miss you kids.
later cutie <3