okkie well im gunna have to say this is my last entry. nobody reads this anymore and those who do read mine, dont care to comment. so here are a few last pictures for you to enjoy. byebye livejournal. you've been good to me.
Sadies was a total blast!! i have never had that much fun at a dance before. some people were worried becuz there was "no freaking allowed" that it might be gay. it wasnt. it was lotsa fun!
After the Dance me and al went to i-hop and met up with ppl. went home and crashed.
Today me and Burt took a road trip.. oommgg..absolutly crazy. basically it was long, we got lost more than once..twice..third times a charm right? wrong..atleast 4 times. haha anyways after we stopped by the Tracy mall, some cracked out girl in Spencers threw up AT MY FEET!!!! it made me naucious. i have never been so grossed out in my life. then she proceeds to annouce "oops, i just vomited" well YEAH! but she was fine and kept shopping. me and brit bolted outta there. got home around 8:30, and ive been sick all day. im goin to bed now. nite kids.