for once it's like wow i have a lot of stuff to do!
Esp from work... gawd.... frustrations and headaches... things just can't seem to move any slower... or maybe i'm just working faster? haha..
But for once it seems like I actually have work pilling up... which is kind of cool since i'm the only QA working on what i'm working on and requested to attend regular meetings. *feels important* xD
Anyhow though... essay status? errr three sentences? due wednesday.
Goal is to finish it... tomorrow...
Want to go to Wonderland this weekend with floormates yet *sob*... exam next saturday o_o;
One thing at a time... for once again my pleasures shall have to take the back-burner :(
*le sigh*
Can't wait for school to start again... yet I have no idea how i'm going to move all my stuff on one trip now o_O;
I need some shrinking and enlarging potion.. like the ones they had in Alice in Wonderland
Talking about Alice, i knew for awhile they're a movie (based on the game) in the making.. but wtf...
Marilyn Manson has the Queen of Hearts. Talk about for filling the horror parts...
Been feeling ubber scattered (like this entry)... brain wanting to be all over the place. I hope I can keep it together xD