May 23, 2011 21:14

Genre: Fluff, humor?, Romance <3
Pairing: Yun|Jae, Yoo|Su, Min|Self : )
Length: miniseries
Time frame: Years..years after their career.
Summary: Fame, familiarity, females, pressures and expectations has reduced a once lovey-dovey relationship among YunJae and Yoosu into a BIG pile of arguments, occasional tantrums, and sleepovers at the balcony. Jaejoong and Junsu want their lovers back while Yunho and Yoochun just want to be free from all the stress. Still, with their love for each other, will our maknae Changmin be able to save the day? and his hyung's love lives?

A/N: I go type my lj account, and to my surprise some other site ( pops up under the same link which is my LJ.. Can you check if its the same for you ? Go type in, and help me check please : ) Thanks ! :)

Day 2: Tuesday, Evening

"Jae, we're going to the club, not your wedding" Heechul shouted for the 7th time that night. But it only seemed that the bathroom door of Jae was all that was left to answer him.

Jae curled the last part of his hair. Looking extremely satisfied with his look for the night, he had hoped Yunho will see him like this. Like how beautiful he was back then when Yunho was still madly in love.

Wait. I'm still beautiful. And he still loves me. Right?

He thought reassuring his self no matter how many flashbacks of Yunho's negligence told him otherwise.

He sashayed down the hallway to an adoring Junsu and Heechul.

"Fuck Yunho. Let's get some girls for those genes!!" Heechul exclaimed walking towards Jaejoong twirling him in style.

Jae gave a shy chuckle and nudged Heechul as Junsu stood up waiting for a reaction on his style.

"Well, I did dress you up Su. And your ass just makes it hotter." Jave gave an approving wink to Junsu.

The three of them headed to the club.
"TOO LOUD!" Yunho shouted to Yoochun who was already affected by the ear deafening sound system in the club.

"WHAAAAAAT ?" Hankyung shouted back.

Defeated by the sound, Yunho cringed in annoyance and just took a gulp of his alcohol. Yoochun noticing the irritation, gestured for them to step out.

"Whew! Finally !" Yoochun breathed out as he puffed a smoke.

"I thought my brain was gonna explode back there !" Yunho exclaimed in exaggeration, grabbing the cigarette from Yoochun's mouth. Puffed it and threw it to the ground.

"No smoking." He said to Yoochun.

For a moment there, Yoochun thought he heard Junsu who reminded him that. He shook his head and looked across the street where a commotion was slowly taking form.

"Hyung, is that?"

Yunho was already gaping as he had his eye on the same scene.


"What is Jaejoong and Junsu doing here?" Yoochun rushed to Hankyung and Changmin who were calmly seated on their VIP couch.

"Oh! Theyre here too? I didn't know!" Changmin retorted with his mismatched eyes.

"Oh god. is Heechul here too?" Hankyung nervously questioned while already scanning the place for an answer.

"I think he brought him here! Su never goes out to club, and Jae stopped clubbing ever since the engagement!" Yoochun explained.

"What's wrong with that? Its your break after all." Changmin stood and eyed the club.

"Oh. There they are!" Changmin pointed out. The men followed with their eyes.

"Jaejoong looks..."

perfect. beautiful. HOT. gorgeous. lovely. Were the adjectives running through Yunho's head.


"They're coming over.oh my god oh my god." Hankyung panicked a little. Shifting seats though his eyes are still focused on Heechul's- who were now approaching them.

"WELL HELLO BOYS." Hankyung greeted. Junsu and Jaejoong standing with a hint of arrogance in their styles.

"Jae, what are you doing here?" Yunho asked ignoring Heechul's greeting. He has been eyeing Jae's wardrobe for some time. Its not like he has never seen him look that way before, but its the first time in years Jae awakened his fashionista inside.

To yunho's both unpleasant and pleasant suprise, Jae just smirked and raised an eyebrow. Jae acknowledged Hankyung and Changmin who were seated then he turned away with Junsu and Heechul.

Heechul turned before leaving their table- "Oh don't worry hani, we'll be TOO BUSY to watch over you tonight. Have fun!" He ended his statement with a flying kiss.


Already past midnight Jaejoong was drowned NOT with alcohol but with attention. The moment they stepped into the club, they turned it into their own show and they weren't even trying. Like Heechul had so appropriately put in, they still had the "gods" in them. And even Junsu who never enjoyed too much noise and strangers grinding on each other admits- it felt GOOD.

After recognizing their presence in the club, the DJ  called on XIAH  JUNSU on the dancefloor. Junsu forgot how he felt to be called THE  XIAH  JUNSU of THE TVXQ. The crowd went wild. Men and ladies alike made room for the center stage. Heechul had the honors of dragging Junsu in the middle, after a few beats and the deafening screams and applauds, Xiah Junsu was back. It was Intoxication all over again.Yoochun sneered at Hankyung for that comment.

Yoochun watched his Junsu be the Xiah Junsu he revered and adored. For a minute, he had to remind his self that, that star was already his. Junsu danced with so much grace and power, the crowd were under his spell. After his "show", he bowed liked the Kim Junsu he really is. The dance floor remained empty for a while as no one dared to follow the performance. It was when the name YOUNGWOONG  JAEJOONG  was heard all over the club that the dancefloor shined once again.

"Jaejoong dancing? THEY  WISH!" Yunho spoke nervously. After seeing Yoochun squirm in his seat with admiration and jealousy for Junsu, he did not want to feel the same worry of having so many hearts under his lover's name.

"Looks like that wish is going to come true then." Yoochun said rather relieved. Relieved that he wasn't the only one feeling drenched in cold water tonight.

Yunho's breath hitched as he saw Junsu pushing Jaejoong to the dancefloor.Also removing his suit on the process.Jaejoong was laughing hysterically. Hysterically endearing covering his mouth like he does always. Feeling a little excited but more on worried, he watched Jaejoong move after a few beats.

Even Jaejoong agrees that he'd rather sing to his last breath than dance to a few beats. But tonight, he was willing to remind Yunho that while he was not the best dancer- he still had the most charisma among them. That deadly charisma that puts men and women on their toes. Yunho was vulnerable to his charms- and Yunho learned that all over again.

A few hairflips. a little turn, enough show of muscles and a number of rehearsed moves did Jaejoong's heavenly aura good. It did better for the rest of the crowd. But not so well for Yunho. After becoming one of Jaejoong's adoring fans- he regained consciousness and snapped back to reality as he saw a crowd of old and new fans swarm over Jaejoong's table. Heechul was more than willing to entertain a number of worthy people while Junsu was laughing rather shyly at the back of Jaejoong.

"Whew. Now that was INTERMODULATION." Hankyung commented on Jaejoong's performance.

"Let's go bust those bastards hyung, You get 7 of them, I'll get those 3." Yoochun whispered his plan to Yunho.

":Ok.Lets- Wai- WHAT??" Yunho almost gave in to the idea of breaking some faces tonight but the inequality in numbers Yoochun was suggesting gave him some sense. They can't cause any commotion at the club. It was not right in any way. But what were they going to do with all those admirers?

"Don't ever think of dragging your jealous and possessive asses over there hyungs." Changmin commented after realizing the plan of Yunho and Yoochun.

"Seriously, why do you even call us hyung?" Yoochun shot back, already annoyed at the thought of too many admirers around the only person he admired.

"Remember the deal?" Changmin reminded them firmly, waiting for his hyungs words of honor..

The two forced a nod under the bottle of beer they had their lips on.

"Hyung.. Why did we agree with THAT forsaken deal again ?" Yoochun calmly asked in a declarative tone. His question was for Yunho, but his eyes were on Junsu.

"Because we're stupid?" Yunho answered as if Jaejoong was the one who asked him.

"Yes. Very." Changmin interfered. Smiling as his plans slowly flowed into action.

boyfriend's week out

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