friday night, i should be doing something but im super tired...

Jun 26, 2004 00:42


seriously. go now! Michael Moore is insane, and i love it. Everyone NEEDS to see this movie, if nothing else to be enlightened on what's going on. (And hopefully to get that dipshit out of the white house!!)

Anyways, today was kinda busy.
-Took Arman & his parents to the airport at 6:30 a.m.
-Passed out at Evan's for a little
-Ate breakfast with Evan
-Said "bye" to Evan. (He's gone :'( I cried. What's new?)
-Watched "Lost in Translation".. yet again
-Took a nap (again)
-Showered then went to see the movie w/ Jen & Justin. (SEE IT!)
-Bought the cutest red purse at Urban for $5 (you love it.)
-Dinner at Sergio's
-Chilled with Jen, Hoost and Kerri :)

I'm kinda upset because I was supposed to work with my aunt again on Sunday and make $150 for the day, but the people at Express aren't permitting that. I have a mandatory meeting with co-workers and the district manager on Sunday at 9 a.m. So Kerri's taking my place, and making the $150 so that's cool.

Is it so bad that I miss Evan aleady and he hasn't been gone for more than 24 hours?

I don't think so either ;)
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