I love Dan Savage

Apr 23, 2010 10:46

Dan Savage's "Savage Love" column is always a ray of sunshine in the middle of the week for me when I need something funny to read while stuck in class trying to absorb what my professors are babbling Law at me.

This week's "Savage Love" column was especially satisfying. A whiny father writes in to complain about his daughter being uncomfortable with the fact that he is now sleeping with his daughter's friend. Other than the huge age difference and the fact that her friend is now sleeping with her father, this poor girl is also bothered by the fact that her friend will now share things with her father that she does not want her father to know.

And the father has the gall to complain about it.

Of course Mr. Savage tore into the father and told him to stop whining and leave his daughter alone to cope with the situation the way she wants to - instead of emotionally blackmailing her into making HIM feel better about the awkwardness of the situation.

Why does this particular part of the column get my dander up?

Probably because the father is attempting to use emotional blackmail to get what he wants from his daughter.

Yes, I am very familiar with this.

Oh, it felt so good reading Mr. Savage's response. Parents always think they know best - and sometimes they do - but that is not always the case. As I get older, I realize that I view my parents in less of a parental light but rather as another adult I must deal with in order to move through life.

I still love my parents. They're just very frustrating at times.

Here's the article.
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