
Oooh! Traffic jam--got more cars than a beach got sand....

Feb 07, 2006 08:09 it is at...7:49 in the am, and I am up writing a paper., not exactly. I'm up writing three papers that I meant to write last night...after my nap. Its been awhile since I just blatantly turned my alarm off at some point during the night. I used to do that on my alarm clock at home all the time, but now that I use my phone I haven't had nearly as much of a problem with it. I picked a bad day to turn it off too. I suppose that's the nature of my post today, since its been such a long time since I found my way back to this thing. I've been keeping tabs on my life mostly in small segments in a journal that my brother proudly presented me with this christmas. But its strange writing in a new journal when I had my old one for the past...2 1/2 years? I guess that's about right. I just need to break the new one in a bit more.
Anyway, the reason that this day was a particularly bad one to catch some extra z's on was due to the fact that today was going to be my first day working the 6am to 7am shift at New Rock 90.7. That's right children, I'm a DJ. Now, that's a frightening thought, in a way, but at the same time, I'm pretty excited about it too. It should be good experience for a resume (should I ever have to broadcast the news over the air) and its a fun opportunity to share one of my biggest passions, music, with the Tuscaloosa area.
Long story short, I'm really pretty disappointed in myself that I slept through my first day. I turned on the radio as soon as I woke up to make sure that there was no dead air, and luckily someone had kept a playlist uploaded in the system, or something. But its not a good way to start off. Hopefully I'll be able to get in there next week and make up for lost time/experience.
So. Why am I DJing now? It was maybe two weeks ago that I had just finished up with my classes for the day. On Tuesdays and Thursdays my schedule is pretty much useless. I have one class on Tuesdays at 9:30 (what I am currently writing my papers for) and then that same class and a biology lab on Thursdays. Thus, the day ends pretty fast, especially when you wake up that early to start it, and I return to the condo...and...yeah, that's about it.
I was feeling realitively worthless one day, perhaps due to the fact that thus far in the semester all I had done after these shorter days of class was come home and turn on the tv or go back to sleep or read something. Now while as I am a BIG supporter of all of these activities, I felt as though I was spending all of my time in a pretty isolated spot doing nothing really worthwhile. So I got online and started looking up e-mail addresses for various organizations. I e-mailed so many people that day, same basic message, Hi...found your site...really interested in volunteering...if you have anymore information...
And I got back a few too many replies. I went to Get On Board day as well and browsed around until I found a few organizations that looked like they might prove to be interesting.
Thus, I'm now working a bit with the radio station, Big Brothers Big Sisters, and A Time to Dance with Dance Alabama.
I'm pretty excited about all of it, and I have high hopes that it will all work out. Now I feel that I am participating in some very worthwhile things, while as still having some free time and some down time.
Everything seems to be going along pretty well right now.

Course load this semester was suppose to be extremely difficult. So far I've been doing pretty okay. No tests yet, so I guess that time will tell. I'm taking spanish and I'm finally feeling like I'm getting back into the groove of it. Things are beginning to look a little more familiar. That's my most demanding class. We have homework in there every night, and my syllabus suggests spending 2-3 hours on this work. Ha ha, oh syllabus.

Long story short, this semester is going along very well at the time. I am happy to be involved in these new organizations and still have the opportunity to do the things that I enjoy doing on the side.
Agh. 8:00 now...I need to finish this paper and get to class.
More to say, but no time to say it.

10 bonus points to anyone which song I have stuck in my head...the subject should be a hint.
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