
I'll put a spell on'll fall asleep and I'll put a spell on you...and when I wake you...

Nov 27, 2005 11:48

It has been such a long time since a real update that actually has some significance to it. Not to say that knowing all about my friends sexual histories via online quiz is not significant. Thanks to all who actually responded. I never knew my fingernails were so incredibly sexy...and yes, Meredith, I do remember that time...uh huh. Homie don't play that. much has happened of late. I don't know how much of the detail I want to go into...because I could probably write a short novel covering the last couple of weeks.
Halloween came and passed. It was really pretty uneventful, but still enjoyable. The best part of the night was watching Army of Darkness (which was the only one of the Evil Dead movies I had yet to see.) I dressed up because I had to go to a sorority party--but I was really pleased because my costume was less than $5. Power-shopping on the day of halloween pays off when it comes to discounts.
Probably one of the most excellent things about the past few weeks has been Alabama football. Now I know that LSU and Auburn were both very disappointing games, but really, the season was a very good and exciting one and I am looking forward to seeing what our team is going to be capable of next year.
We went to the LSU game, seeing as how it was at home. We snuck the 'los into the student section again, but this time nearly had a serious problem with getting him over there. I was watching from the steps the whole time as the guy at the gate shook his head. Luckily, somehow he made it across and thanks to King we were able to find seats very short notice. Extreme thanks going out to everybody who shoved over to make room for us. The game was ridiculously exciting--but what I want to know...the team that played in the first half, yeah that team that was beating LSU when we went into the tunnel? Yeah...where did THEY go? Because as I see it...they just left completely and decided to stay away for Auburn too. The game all came down to a very stressful overtime. There wasn't much room where we were standing, so Carlos and I had our arms wrapped around each other and we were both just screaming and shaking our shakers during the third down. I was so sure that nothing would happen. Not at least until the fourth down, when I was also sure that LSU would have to kick a field goal, thus sending the game into another round of overtime. But then out of nowhere, a pass was caught and the game was over. It felt like all of my energy just drained out through my feet and I was about to collapse on the bleachers. It was so surreal. All of the Alabama fans just slowly started to stream out of the stadium, and I think most of us were just confused and tired.
From that point on, UA students began doubting the outcome of the Auburn game.
ABK and I drove down to Auburn around ten on Friday to meet up with our favorite Auburn posse. We took separate cars, so I spent the majority of the drive rediscovering old cds that I have been neglecting for awhile. I'm in a bit of a slump where all of my music is getting kind of old, so finding all of the old stuff was nice.
When we arrived in Auburn we parked at the dorm where Dlowe is an RA and Meredith lives with her sorority. Dlowe had class so we headed to Momma G's with Meredith. Lunch was lovely and then we headed back to the dorm where we sat around and just chatted for awhile. Meredith left to go see a movie so ABK and I headed up to Dlowe's room, from which we eventually made a freakin' journey (cause it was a ways away) to several Auburn bookstores so that he could buy a blue shirt. Those stores were so smothering, but I have to admit that Toomer's Corner and that part of town looked really pleasant because of all of the Christmas decorations.
We returned to the dorm and met up with Meredith Hart and several other people for dinner at Logans. From Logans we went to Philip's trailer where we stayed for quite awhile. There were so many people over there at one point, but I was so tired that I kept nearly dozing off in the armchair that I was sharing with three other girls. After leaving there Dlowe and I ended up sitting out in the hall talking for a few hours. He had to leave to attend to a drunken and abandoned Ross Kinder so Meredith and I chatted for awhile and then I just crashed. I woke up early the next morning and headed back to B'ham to view the game at the Conte residence.
I gotta say, that was a VERY good decision, particularly after a loss like the one that we suffered. But despite the loss, we still managed to have a great evening. We even cooked some authentic cajun cuizine.

And now lets skip ahead a bit...Thanksgiving break was this past week. I spent a majority of the break working at one place or another. So its been pretty exhausting for a 'break'. Victoria's Secret is the place that I've actually been employed. I would say that I hated it, but then last night kind of changed my mind. When things were slower and I actually had some time to goof off with some of the employees we had a really good time. The night after thanksgiving was absolutely awful though. I don't think I will ever work that again. I only had one pair of black shoes with me that night, so I had to wear some very high heels, which was a huge mistake. My feet were hurting to bad that I felt like I was going to throw up. Its my own fault, though. Thanksgiving itself was nice. It felt somewhat short compared to what Thanksgiving usually is, and I'm not sure why, but it was nice all the same. I brought the 'los along with me considering his family was out of the country. We dined and then went back to my house and crashed for a few hours before leaving to go to the mall to work on the kiosk. There was a lot to be done on that thing, but when it was finished it looked really fantastic. I was really proud of him for all of the hard work that went into it. It turned out so well and there was something very satisfying seeing all of those people walking up and browsing the merchandise. I wouldn't be surprised if some people had never had access to this sort of thing--especially if they had never made their way over to Brookwood. It was probably a good idea to start the store off as a kiosk, because this way, thousands of people could at least walk past it and see what it had to offer rather than having to actually go inside a store. Anyway, the kiosk did very well on black friday, so that was very good news. I came up to kiosk and worked in it for a little while that night so that some very exhausted salespeople could venture over to Moe's for some food.

And then this week I've also gotten to see several of my friends. Whether it be drinking coffee or eating somewhere or shooting a potatoe gun in the Met parking lot, we've managed to make up for some lost time.

My house is...beginning to look a lot like Christmas...
I'm excited for that holiday season. I love this time of year and what it does to people. Everyone just seems more cheerful and tradition is just oozing out of every thing. Even Tuscaloosa has been decked out in Christmas lights. The only hurdle between then and now will be finals...and those will be challenging. I'm fairly certain that most of mine are cumulative. For real...if I've already been tested on it...why are you testing me again? But once those are out of the way, good times shall return.
I'm also trying to decide now when I want to head back to t-town. There's a meeting at the Vic tonight in which I could get a bra for ten dollars that would normally cost me much more...and it would be a good opportunity to tell that guy who makes out the schedule that I can't work at all this week, like I told him last week. And wow. Was that only a week ago? For some reason it feels like time has been moving very slowly lately. But I really don't want to go into that store again. Not for awhile at least.
I suppose we'll see.
It also kind of depends on what Anna Beth is doing. Because I'm not sure if I'm feeling chilling in T-town by myself this evening.

One tidbit of new music that found its way to my heart via ABK is aqualung. This is the music of wintertime. Have a listen if you get the chance.
"I'll put a spell on'll fall asleep and I'll put a spell on you...and when I wake you, I'll be the first thing you see..and you'll realize that"
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