
The basics....

Aug 25, 2005 14:47

Its day two of actually being back in classes here in the tusc. For some reason it feels like I have been here MUCH longer than that. Well...correction, I have been here much longer than that, what with rush and everything. What I mean feels like I've been in class much longer than that. Classes this semester are going to rock. Perhaps rock me as well. But all looks good on the horizon for right now.
I'm jammin' out to the senses fail cd that I haven't listened to all summer. So many of my cds remained packed up over the past three months and I have really enjoyed rediscovering them, now that I'm driving all over campus and am constantly listening to music. Yeah, I'm one of those people that wears their ipod on the way to class. Its so that I don't have to talk to you, though. And so that I can pretend that I don't see you. I'm sort of kidding...
Speaking of driving...lets get down to these basics:
*commuting sucks. So so so very much. I have to leave at least thirty minutes early to get to class (last year...I left 5 minutes early...and rolled out of bed). Imagine the Galleria at Christmas. Yeah, that's the UA commuter lot. Anna Beth was thirty minutes late to her class yesterday, after leaving thirty minutes early to get there. Ridiculous. It sucks. And these college kids are just driving crazier and crazier.
*I have another colorful cast of teachers this semester. I thought it would be really hard to top mine and Anna Beth's favorites from last year: Scottie McWaters, Door (mmm), Oh Gary, the Ghangi Man, and Toby. Do not fret dears. This year I have Utz McKnight--a product of the 60's...a white oompaloompa with a fro and a California attitude, Buta-ful: the alien who teaches my astronomy class, and Vaughn my American History Teacher...who actually hates America...he's a British History expert, and here we have a direct quote: "I feel that America rebelled against our rightful soverign lord, George III in 1776."
*The first dodgeball faceoff was last night, but I went running instead cause I needed to burn off some steam. I'm looking forward to getting back to playing, however.
*I need to get involved in something here. I haven't had down-time like this in such a long time that I feel completely worthless just sitting around. Auditions for Dance! Alabama and ARDT are at the beginning of next week. I don't know if I'm in good enough shape--dance-wise to make either of these, but I'm thinking of going to audition just for the sake of dancing again.
*Speaking of I went to my ballet class today for the first time. Its in this fantastic and HUGE studio in the top of Clark. I walked in and there are all of these black leotards and pink tights and it was like going back in time. There are also a rather unexpectedly large group of males taking the class. I hope they decide to wear more than just tights as the teacher instructed. Rather not see the cash and prizes, thanks. But I'm thrilled to be getting back into a dance class, even if it is just an intro level class. Work on flexibility and technique a bit. Need to go home and get my leotards.
*I'm also getting more excited about my astronomy kinda fascinates me. As Buta-ful was talkin' today I started to get excited about all of the stuff we were going to cover. How cool is it that when you look up at the night sky you are seeing into the past? Cool stuff, kids. Very cool.
*Since I've had so much downtime, I've been heading over to the ghetto park, Monnish. I went yesterday and was just hanging around when the cutest little girl came up to me and said, "Hey lady, will you come and push me?" (on the swing, that is). So I did, and the whole time she just grilled me with, "You got kids?" "Your mama drop you off here?" "Is that your pretty yellow car?" "You married?" "You out of school for the summer?" As I was leaving she called out to me, "Now you take care of yourself!" This kid couldn't have been over 5...I said, "Yes ma'am, and you do the same!"
*tonight is the AXO bid day party at Buffalos. I will be attending, at least for a little while, I figure. I'm also really interested in going to Jupiter tonight for 17th floor...I wasn't old enough to bust in there when they came in the spring, nor did I have time to wrangle up a fake id...but now I could definitely go. Finding someone to go with me, however, is going to be a bit of a task I figure--particularly considering that all of my "sisters" are gonna be at our own party. They seem like the only ones that would be terribly gungho about going to Jupiter that I know of down we'll see where the night takes me.
*Because...oh yeah, tomorrow my 9 am class is I just have to go to Polysci, where Utz told us he didn't feel like doing anything, so we were going to watch Napolean Dynamite.

So, thus far the year is looking pretty okay.
But still, the readjusting to being here is taking some time. I miss people back at home.
But I woke up this morning and had sometime to eat, a nice place to live, a means of getting around, decent health, and the knowledge that somebody out there somewhere loves me. So I'm not complaining.
Life is pretty good.
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