Apr 13, 2005 10:14
Its been about like I figured, pretty ruthless around the tusc lately. Last week kicked off the return from spring break hard with the mad rush to get bama jammer in the works--meetings were lasting longer, I was driving my committee chair all over tuscaloosa, the week took an additional few stressful turns, and then launched out a history test on Thursday. Wednesday night is up there on the top ten worst nights of my life (probably ranking somewhere in the 7 to 8 range...its kinda nice to see that I haven't had THAT many just incredibly awful nights). I decided that this was excuse enough to cut formal chapter, so I decided that I was "overwhelmed beyond my means and feeling sick" both of which were somewhat true. Either way, I don't have to pay the $55 fine--which is ridiculous anyway. After the test on thursday, the day just stretched on...Thursday night was a good time to vent and make some discoveries out on the steps of gorgas library. Temporary, temporary, temporary. Friday continued along quickly with Marc Broussard rocking the evening and then a surprise twist with a trip to waffle house. I made it back to Tuscaloosa around 3:30 in the morning after having nearly fallen asleep on the road (which was something kinda new for me...) and was up again sometime around 9 for Bama Jammer which I remained at until about 5:20. Meredith had mentioned that her little sister had a solo in Sleeping Beauty and had asked if I wanted to come. I was still making up my mind throughout the day at bama jammer, and had at some point decided that it would be a bad idea to go. That changed. It was probably still a bad idea to go, but I wanted to spend some time with Meredith and figured I could wing it. Drove back to b'ham and made it AS the show was starting. That was some fancy speeding...about yay-close to getting pulled over. Meredith's little sister was adorable. Very worth it. Coffee, stars, and a swingset until midnight-ish. Also very worth it. Drove back to the tusc again that night feeling less prone to taking a nap on the road and crashed for a little while. The next day I woke up early to read heart of darkness and then write a paper on it between chew out sessions with the a chi o. Paper one out of the way.
Paper two and finding seven resources filled up the next day pretty fast. Then the power went out and our room filled up. Fallon came and yelled at us for being loud and for boys being in our room past 12 (which is was 11:30 and thus, quite legal...even tho a select number of boys have spent the night in 209, anyway...) The power came back on after a while and our hopes of avoiding turning it in the next day were completely smashed. That was a laaaaaate night.
Yesterday was a good day--I actually made it to my 9:30 history (which is rare for days with papers/tests in other classes). It felt amazing outside. We took a crew grocery shopping at target and had a good time, then we played football on the quad for awhile. (Last touch-down of the game was mine, ladies and gentleman) Fell asleep last night in a towel and stayed that way til the morning. Exhausted.
Its half-time here in the tusc. I get a break for a few days here that I really should be using to spread out the stress, but I'm taking a little rest before I jump back in.
Next week I've got an in class essay and another test...
Holdin' out til finals.