Hey there err'body!
Okay, it's been long enough that an explanation would be polite, so here she is:
I'm genuinely sorry for not updating AZWP lately, but it's kinda been bumped down a couple pegs on my list of priorities as of late.
I just moved to Chicago and most of my free time has been spent either job hunting or doing bullshit like unpacking endless boxes or hanging pot racks. It's not fun, and I'd rather be updating my website, I assure you.
AZWP.net has recently disappeared, and many people seem to have taken this as a sign that I finally ditched the whole thing and didn't bother to tell anyone. That's not the case-- I got my website renewal e-mail just a week before my domain name would expire. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get my interwebs set up in the new place (I'm still wrestling with AT&T, posting this off of a random unsecured wireless connection) and had no idea this e-mail existed until it was a day too late. I mailed off my hosting/domain fees (paid with money I don't have) several days ago, and I still haven't heard back. I'm not thrilled, but hey, whaddayagonnado.
The site's still up at
http://snipehunting.rydia.net, and hopefully I'll get my proper domain name wrassled out of GoDaddy.com's iron grip before long.
Most of you are being incredibly super cool, as always, but a very tiny few of you are not. A few e-mails calling me a dick or dissing my marriage are really more than enough. I guess in a warped way, it's a nice compliment to have people enjoy my site enough to get mad when it goes away? But please please pretty please, subscribe to the e-mail notifier or this LJ feed if you find yourself checking the site every day and getting madder and madder. One day, there'll be a little "bing!" and hey, there's an update. And nobody has to call me a shithead! Everybody wins!
I love you.