WARNING: Today's text
update is terrifying.
Only click the link if you are prepared for overwhelming truth.
You know that scene in The Matrix? He's all "if you take the red pill, etc."
This is like that, only replace all the karate and guns with a bottomless chasm of fear.
Hi, everyone!
Want a glance into Life With Erin and Stephen? Here are the official contents of this square of scrap paper on the desk I share with my fiancee:
A drawing of a monkey in a lady's wig.
A list of 5 murderers Erin wants to write to, once she gets a P.O. Box.
A drawing of a surprised baby.
A little circle.
Oh hey, apparently some folks weren't getting their haiku e-mail updates. If those of you who subscribe to this (wholesome, American) service wouldn't mind, I'd appreciate it if you let me know whether you were getting your notifications. If not, I'll just switch to another service. You heard me, notifylist.com! I'll drop you like a hot potato.
Oh man, I'm opening up a can of worms here... but hey, it's all in good fun.
Okay, I just rewatched the movie "The Aristocrats," which is a great documentary about the absolute filthiest joke known to man.
Share with us the most horrible joke you know! If you wanna type out your personal version of The Aristocrats, more power to ya.
RULES: No racist shit.
Whoever shares the most vile joke gets: HELL OF RESPECT!