(no subject)

Dec 27, 2006 02:13

It was a good Christmas, I must say.  Of course, with each year it's a bit less Christmasy, and I didn't snuggle in front of the fire or drive around to look at the Christmas lights like I was looking forward to doing, but present-wise, I can't complain.  I got a camera (and have been taking photos of random things, like drumsticks, for lack of better subjects at the moment), an XM satellite radio (that functions as an mp3 player as well; much more to my liking than an iPod), and music software so hopefully I can start recording my own music (if I can first figure the software...).  Besides those gifts, I got $$, gift certificates to good places, a pretty dress, a Rage Against the Machine hits CD, a cymbal stand for my splash, a new pair of drumsticks (since I broke both my favorite pairs...), a very cute umbrella, posters, among a few other things.

I have yet to purchase my parents' presents, as well as Emily's birthday present (which should have been given somewhere around early July).  Nobody's perfect.. :/
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