
May 04, 2006 21:47

Tagged by twirlynoodle
G Is For:

German - the language I take at school, and the only subject that I never need to do any real revision for
Gryphons - the creatures in my stories that I've done the most work on. They're also my favourites.
Grand Canyon - visited there a couple of year back. Words can't describe it. Pictures can't show it.
Gas masks - something that has always freaked me out a bit and yet fascinated me.
General knowledge - I've been told mine can rival Stephen Fry's. Which is wrong. Nobody can do that.
Growling - something I should really stop doing at people.
Goat - I saw an amusing road sign in Crete warning people of falling goats. It was like one of those 'Danger - falling rocks' signs, but with goats instead of rocks.
Guns - I don't like them. Neither does my one hero character who owns one. He only uses it because it's less obviously non-human than spitting fire at people.
Gods - gods fascinate me. Be it Yahweh, Zeus, Susanowoo or even ones that people made up, like Moro. I love legends and stories about them.
Gothic architecture - I like churches. I don't like Church, but I like churches. I could spend hours just staring at the stonework on old, gothic-style buildings.
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