[ficlets] puppy pile, the stars are watching, before dawn, perfect, weekend mornings

May 17, 2015 07:00

Title: puppy pile
Rating: PG
Pairing(s): OT7, slight Myungyeol focus
Length: 1,075 words
A/N: Set in a harem 'verse with Myungsoo as the prince and harem centre who encourages his harem to love each other as much as they love him.

“This bed,” Sungyeol says in dissatisfaction, “has nothing on our old one.”

His words are met with a series of huffs and groans, and someone throws a pillow at him. Indignantly, Sungyeol tosses it back, not really caring whether it hits the original thrower or not. “What? It’s true! It’s not the same. It doesn’t have nearly as much room and Dongwoo’s foot is on my stomach-”

“It is?” Dongwoo asks, sounding horrified. “I thought you were a pillow! Sorry, Yeollie.” Despite his tone, though, his foot doesn’t move. It takes everything in Sungyeol to resist the urge to tickle the underside, and the only reason he doesn’t is because he thinks Dongwoo might accidentally kick him if he does.

“And we’re squashed together in a puppy pile because we don’t have enough space to stretch out, and every time someone moves I can feel the entire bed shift, and I’ll never be able to get to sleep,” Sungyeol finishes sulkily. Someone’s hand is running through his hair, but he can’t tell whose it is.

“Calm down, hyung,” Sungjong says mildly. “It’s just for a night or two. The new bed’s already being made, so just be patient and try to settle down.”

There’s a patronising hint to Sungjong’s words, but he’s at the opposite end of said puppy pile and Sungyeol doesn’t want to climb over three people just to extract his revenge, so he decides to let it go. He pouts instead, though he’s not sure whether Sungjong can even see him. Sunggyu picks it up when Sungyeol doesn’t reply, and Sungyeol can feel him shifting from the other end of the bed. “Anyway,” Sunggyu adds, “Myungsoo doesn’t seem to mind so much.”

Well, of course not. Myungsoo can sleep through tornadoes and hurricanes and Woohyun and Dongwoo having wild bunny sex next to him and he slept through their old bed falling apart when Dongwoo, Hoya, Sunggyu and Woohyun apparently took it into their minds to have multiple very wild and very violent rounds of sex that were enough to break the bedframe. Sungyeol would have blamed the bed breaking on them if Sungjong hadn’t pointed out rationally that they’d all at various points done their best to destroy the bedframe. It had probably been on the verge of falling apart anyway. But Sungyeol is still sore because of course the bed would give out the night before their designated group night, and now they’ve had to settle for a subpar bed because Myungsoo didn’t want to put it off-and nobody says no to Myungsoo.

Most of their attempts at sex had been short-lived, mainly because someone inevitably fell off or kicked someone else or elbowed someone in the eye but nobody wanted to do it on the floor, so that was how they’d ended up like this instead: in a massive group cuddle-slash-puppy pile with Myungsoo in the centre, the only one who didn’t seem to mind the situation they were in.

Sungyeol’s gearing up for his retort when Myungsoo interrupts his thoughts with a huge sigh, rolling over so he can meet Sungyeol’s gaze. “Is it that bad?” he asks, and fine-Sungyeol feels just a tiny bit guilty for complaining so much when he sees the doubt in Myungsoo’s eyes. “Should we have put it off after all?”

Sungyeol feels as helpless as ever to resist him, so he doesn’t even try. Instead, he climbs over Woohyun to kiss Myungsoo, ignoring the grumble he gets when Woohyun wriggles out from where he’s trapped beneath them. Now that there’s no obstacle between him and Myungsoo, Sungyeol pulls him closer, and Myungsoo nuzzles into his neck in response. Hoya’s pressed up against Myungsoo’s other side, spooning him, so Sungyeol throws his arm around them both (even though it’s awkward) and leans in to kiss the top of Myungsoo’s head. “No, don’t worry about it. I mean, the bed really isn’t big enough for all of us, but I can get used to it… as long as Woohyun stops poking me in the back to tell me to get off you. You had your turn, Nam, go cuddle with Dongwoo instead.”

“Mm. Go do that, Woohyun.” Myungsoo sighs contentedly, relaxing in Sungyeol’s grip.

“Favouritism,” Woohyun accuses, but Sungyeol feels him kiss the back of his neck before leaning over to brush an equally quick kiss across Myungsoo’s cheek, finally drawing back after that. He can feel Woohyun and Dongwoo shifting behind him while they settle into a comfortable position, but he’s too lazy to crane his head around to look. Myungsoo’s warm and soft and comfy against him and Hoya’s taken over stroking his hair, his foot nudging Sungyeol’s leg where it’s crossed over Myungsoo’s.

“There. Is that so bad, hyung?” Sungjong asks, and Sungyeol would make a face at him if that didn’t mean pulling away from Myungsoo. Sungyeol isn’t as big on cuddling as Myungsoo is, but there’s no way he’s going to let go of Myungsoo when he’s comfortably nestled in the crook of Sungyeol’s neck.

“Fine. You can have this one. I’ll get you back for it some other time.”

Peace settles over them after that, and although Sungyeol can still feel it every time someone shifts and he thinks Woohyun and Dongwoo might have started making out behind him (though they’re being pretty quiet for a change), he actually thinks he might be able to fall asleep. Myungsoo’s already lost to the world, his breaths warm and even on his skin and radiating comforting warmth where he’s pressed up against Sungyeol’s chest. Sighing softly, Sungyeol closes his eyes, starting to think this isn’t so bad after all.

That is, until he hears a loud yelp from behind him and the bed wobbles violently, accompanied by two very loud crashes and the sound of Woohyun swearing loudly. Sungyeol groans aloud and he hears Sunggyu start up an annoyed complaint too, another pillow sailing over his head.

“Why did you do that? Get back on the bed and stop messing around or find another room and let the rest of us sleep!” Sunggyu’s probably trying to sound commanding, but he just comes off as grumpy. Sungyeol tries to ignore the squabble starting above his head while Dongwoo and Woohyun climb back onto the bed, wishing he could plug his ears.

Okay, even though the situation isn’t all bad-Sungyeol can’t wait until they get their new bed.

Title: the stars are watching
Rating: PG-13
Pairing(s): Woohyun/Sungyeol, Sunggyu/Woohyun, Sungyeol/Myungsoo
Length: 383 words
Trigger Warning: cheating

The stars are watching.

Woohyun kisses Sungyeol desperately, their mouths crashing down each other in an ugly tangle of longing and pain and misery; Sungyeol’s fingers scrabble at his skin, tearing off his tie, but never leaving even the hint of a scratch. They don’t say anything, because even a word would mean having to acknowledge that this is real-that they’re doing what they’re doing.

In this very moment Sunggyu is waiting for him at home, ever patient under his grumpiness. He’ll greet Woohyun with a kiss and not even notice that Woohyun’s mouth tastes of Sungyeol’s come and that his skin smells like sweat and Sungyeol’s cologne (Woohyun cleans up before he leaves, always, but sometimes he feels like the scent is imprinted on his skin). Myungsoo will be here later, will walk over the same doorstep Woohyun did two hours ago and never know that he was here.

They’re always so careful but it’s not enough. Woohyun loved this so much at first, the thrill of an affair with a man as taken as he is, the spark of variety in a life that was slowing down a bit too much for him. But now he’s lost and floundering and doesn’t know what to feel anymore when he looks at Sungyeol and feels that tug, the same tug he felt with Sunggyu, the same tug he still feels with Sunggyu. When he looks at the way Sungyeol watches Myungsoo, fond and affectionate, but Sungyeol still answers his kisses with the same heat that drew him like the figurative moth to the flame.

He kisses and touches and tugs at Sungyeol’s hair when Sungyeol sinks to his knees, occupying his mouth so he doesn’t need to bother saying a word. He returns the favour later, but makes sure never to hold too tightly, press too hard, because Sungyeol bruises easily and he can’t let Myungsoo know something is wrong.

He leaves half an hour later, neat and clean and perfect all over again, Sungyeol’s touch still lingering when he kisses him just before he steps out the door. Nobody saw them. Nobody knows this is happening. Woohyun will go back to Sunggyu and Myungsoo will come home to Sungyeol and nobody, nobody, nobody will ever know.

But the stars are watching.

Title: at dawn
Rating: PG
Pairing(s): Sunggyu/Woohyun
Length: 821 words

Sunggyu doesn’t quite wake up when the sheets shift, making a garbled noise and burying his face deeper in the pillow. Woohyun bites back a laugh-when Sunggyu’s awake, he never lets Woohyun forget who’s in charge (or does his best to prove so, at least), but when he’s asleep he’s pretty much just a massive teddy bear. He carefully pulls the blankets up over Sunggyu’s shoulder when he gets out of bed, fingers lingering on his cheek momentarily before he forces himself to go straighten up in the bathroom.

Sunggyu is still asleep by the time Woohyun’s dressed, knotting his tie in the mirror and sneaking glances at Sunggyu in the reflection. He’s sort of amused that Sunggyu slept through the shower, the bottle of shampoo he knocked over, and the hairdryer-but he can’t say he’s surprised either. Sunggyu could probably sleep through a tornado. He’d only wake up if something crashed through the wall and fell dangerously close to his person.

Making sure his tie is perfectly straight, Woohyun clips on the tiepin and smoothes his hair out before going over to the bed again, grabbing his briefcase from the bedside table. As usual, he takes a moment to look at Sunggyu, still blissfully asleep.

“I’m going now, hyung,” he murmurs, leaning over. Sunggyu stirs slightly when Woohyun rubs a thumb over his cheek, catching Woohyun by surprise when he reaches up to cover Woohyun’s hand with his own.

“Wha’time is it,” he mumbles, peering vaguely at Woohyun. His eyes are little more than slits (moreso than usual, anyway) when he looks up, blinking away sleep.

“Five-thirty,” Woohyun answers, carefully sitting down on the edge of the bed. A couple of minutes more won’t hurt. “You don’t need to wake up yet, hyung. Get a bit more sleep.”

Sunggyu grunts unintelligibly again, brow creasing. “The sun’s not up yet. Why are you going to the office so early? It was past one when we slept yesterday.” His words are more coherent now, at least. Woohyun shrugs helplessly.

“I told you about the seven o’clock meeting, hyung. You know that I need to prepare for it.” He leans closer, pressing a quick kiss to Sunggyu’s forehead. Sunggyu makes a ridiculously unattractive scrunchy face when he does that, but Woohyun knows he likes it. He doesn’t object when Sunggyu sinks a hand into his hair, carding through the slightly-damp strands.

“You work too hard,” Sunggyu mumbles, hand sliding downwards to curl around the nape of Woohyun’s neck. “It’s Friday, Woohyun-ah. When did you last sleep in?”

Woohyun laughs. “Friday’s still a weekday, hyung. And I sleep in on Sundays. You should know that.”

“It’s only every other Sunday, or every third. You plan business trips over weekends.” Sunggyu’s voice is tinted with disdain, like he absolutely can’t understand why Woohyun won’t plan them on Wednesdays.

“Because, hyung, I have other obligations during the week. You know that too.” Sunggyu does, obviously, but that doesn’t stop him from looking disapproving every time Woohyun tells him he’s planned a weekend trip.

“You have obligations on weekends too,” Sunggyu argues, narrowing his eyes further. “To your health, for example. You should actually get a proper night’s sleep.”

“And here I was sure you were going to mention Sunday morning breakfasts,” Woohyun teases, and he gets a smile for that.

“Well, those are good too. But maybe Sunday afternoon lunches are more appropriate.” The way Sunggyu says it (completely casual and still half-asleep) makes Woohyun bite his lip. He’s about to make a half-crack about it not being the time for that when Sunggyu sighs, yanking Woohyun closer and burrowing into the blankets again.

Woohyun can’t resist staying there for a few more minutes, reaching over to play with Sunggyu’s hair while he watches Sunggyu start falling asleep all over again. When he finally brings himself to check his watch, he has to regretfully conclude that he’s probably wasted a little too much time. “I have to go now if I want to be at the office by six, hyung.”

Sunggyu makes an inarticulate grunt, but releases Woohyun. A little reluctant, Woohyun brushes his hair back again before standing up to retrieve his briefcase. “I’ll see you for dinner, hyung,” he tells Sunggyu, who makes another vague noise in his sleep.

If everything goes well, he might be able to grab lunch with Sunggyu. Sunggyu, he knows, is probably going to spend the day stewing in front of the computer writing and rewriting the same one-page scene he’s been working on for weeks (as he’s lamented repeatedly to Woohyun). Woohyun’s pretty sure he’ll welcome the break-though knowing Sunggyu, it’ll be today when he finally gets that scene behind him and Woohyun won’t be able to pry him from his desk.

Snorting mentally, Woohyun closes the door behind him. It’s still worth a try. Either way, there’ll always be dinner to look forward to.

Title: perfect
Rating: PG
Pairing(s): Myungsoo/Sungyeol
Length: 1,465 words

“I don’t recall ever having given you permission to make me your model,” Sungyeol says dryly, seeing the camera flash from the corner of his eye. Myungsoo grins a little sheepishly, but lifts his camera again anyway. Sungyeol promptly makes a ridiculous face, and Myungsoo laughs this time as he takes the picture.

“You look good,” he answers, and Sungyeol breaks out into a laugh.

“You’re saying that right after I made that face? Myungsoo, I know you love me, but you don’t love me that much.”

“That’s true. You look super ugly in this,” Myungsoo tells him seriously, and Sungyeol reaches towards his side threateningly. “But you’re good-looking most of the time!” Myungsoo adds hurriedly, hugging his camera to his chest defensively and backing away before Sungyeol can tickle him.

Sungyeol scoffs, wrapping an arm around Myungsoo’s shoulder and craning his neck. “Let me see that! You probably have a thousand embarrassing photos of me.”

“You volunteered that one!” Myungsoo counters, but he shows the screen to Sungyeol anyway. Admittedly, Sungyeol knew what he’d see (he’s practiced this face in the mirror a thousand times), but he looks extra stupid in the picture. Myungsoo has a real talent for bringing out the innate qualities in a person, it seems.

“I don’t know whether to tell you you’re a good photographer or a horrible person for wanting to embarrass me,” Sungyeol says, shaking his head.

“The first,” Myungsoo answers earnestly, and Sungyeol immediately ruffles his hair in retaliation. Myungsoo likes it well enough, though, half-heartedly shoving Sungyeol away and laughing, so it’s not really an effective punishment.

“Okay. You’re a good photographer, but a bad boyfriend. Are you collecting ammunition to blackmail me?” Sungyeol demands.

“No,” Myungsoo replies, appalled. “Why would I even do that? And besides, I have worse things than photos, like-”

“We’re not talking about that one in public! We’re on the street!” Sungyeol hisses. “Anyway, you’re in it too! That’s like-what’s that proverb about cutting off your tongue?”

“Is there a proverb about that?” Myungsoo wonders aloud, and Sungyeol rolls his eyes.

“Whatever. You know what I mean. Now can we not discuss that unless we’re in our bedroom?”

“Okay,” Myungsoo agrees easily, leaning back into Sungyeol. “Hey, look at this one.”

Sungyeol leans over, squinting. “Cute. Whose cat?”

“A stray. She was really friendly, though. That’s why it came out so well.” Myungsoo continues clicking through the photos, and Sungyeol’s always thought that there’s so much of Myungsoo to be found in his camera alone-in what pictures he’s taken and what he’s chosen to keep. Sungyeol sees kids playing in the park and the view from their apartment window and the sky when the sun’s just setting, pictures of all their friends that he took at their last big gathering, and honestly… far too many of him than should be healthy.

“You should pay me a modelling fee,” Sungyeol tells Myungsoo, as he quickly clicks through a series of photos of Sungyeol sprawled out asleep on the bed. “I didn’t even give you consent to take some of these!”

“Well… if there’s something you really, really, really don’t like, I’ll delete it?” Myungsoo offers reluctantly, looking longingly at one of the photos he’s paused on. Sungyeol looks closely at it-it’s of him again, of course, still one of the photos of him asleep. He wonders if Myungsoo goes around setting everything up before taking his photos, because it seems a little too perfect. The sunlight’s striking him just right, bringing out a touch of warmth in his hair; the blanket’s not arranged artistically, but is somehow just the right amount of messy; even his hair, he thinks dryly, is falling over his cheek like he’s a model in a photoshoot and someone carefully placed that lock of hair there. Maybe Myungsoo really did do that, except Sungyeol thinks he’s a light enough sleeper than he’d wake up if he did-even if apparently he slept through all the photo-taking.

It’s actually a little weird looking at photos of himself like this, because Sungyeol swears he doesn’t look this good in the mirror. He has no idea how Myungsoo does it. It makes pride swell in his heart to think that-Myungsoo is really good!-but at the same time, it’s a little surreal.

“You can keep them,” Sungyeol concedes, and Myungsoo brightens up, a grin breaking over his face.

“I’ll buy you coffee,” he promises, lowering the camera. He tilts his head up, and it’s more than obvious what he wants, so Sungyeol leans down to kiss him again.

“But seriously,” Sungyeol starts, after Myungsoo’s stolen another two kisses from him, “why are there so many photos of me? You see me every day. That should be enough, right?”

Myungsoo sighs, glancing down at his camera. “I think that’s why there are so many,” he admits. “Because I see you every day. You always look really good, so every time I see you, I want to take a photo.” He smiles, soft and barely-there, and Sungyeol bites his bottom lip. Myungsoo.

“How do I even put up with you?” Sungyeol mumbles, well aware that he’s blushing. “You’re biased, you know. I give you sex.”

“That doesn’t have anything to do with this,” Myungsoo objects. “You’re just… really perfect. I want to capture that, I suppose.”

Okay. This cannot be an appropriate conversation to be having while they’re standing on the sidewalk among throngs of people. But Myungsoo sounds so absolutely sincere. Sungyeol swallows around the lump in his throat, tightening his arm around Myungsoo. Fuck, that’s just… it’s flattering, but it’s kind of scary, because he’s not that great. Except Myungsoo thinks he’s that great. It’s really sweet, but Sungyeol has no idea how he’s going to live up to expectations like that. “You’re impossible,” he mumbles, staring at the ground. “And when were you so cheesy, anyway?”

“I’m serious!” Myungsoo protests. Sungyeol raises his eyes briefly, and he realises that Myungsoo’s cheeks are red. At least that means he’s embarrassed about what he’s spouting, too. “You really are-you know.” Now Myungsoo’s staring at the ground too, and Sungyeol can’t help laughing a little. They’re both hopeless.

Glancing around surreptitiously, Sungyeol leans in, kissing Myungsoo quickly. They’re already being pretty daring, because Myungsoo just isn’t the type to hide it when he wants affection and Sungyeol can never resist. “God damn it. How are you like this?” Myungsoo smiles hesitantly at the obvious fondness in Sungyeol’s tone. “I love you, you idiot.” The words aren’t actually enough at all. Sungyeol loves Myungsoo so much it scares him-he thinks he might love him more than anyone else he’s ever loved in his life and every day he spends with Myungsoo he falls in love a little more anyway. Myungsoo seems to understand, though, if the smile he gives Sungyeol is any indication.

It should be awkward, the fact that they’re huddled together on a street corner while life goes on around them, the occasional passer-by throwing them an odd look before moving on. But Myungsoo leans in, whispering “I love you too” and nothing else in the world seems to matter.

Sungyeol pulls Myungsoo a little closer, exhaling. He thinks he’s the luckiest person in the world-Myungsoo can tell him he’s perfect, but Sungyeol’s pretty sure he knows the real truth. It’s Myungsoo who’s perfect, so amazing Sungyeol still has no idea why Myungsoo’s in love with him of all people, why Myungsoo chose him when he could’ve had anyone he wanted (because Sungyeol’s sure that even a fool wouldn’t be stupid enough to turn down someone like Myungsoo). But he has Myungsoo. That’s the best thing that’s ever happened to him in his life.

“So,” Myungsoo starts again, smiling hesitantly, “should I go get you your first paycheck?”

Sungyeol blinks in surprise, broken out of his thoughts, and Myungsoo laughs in that way that makes his eyes crinkle up. He’s so cute Sungyeol could die. “Place your order,” he demands, and Sungyeol grins.

“You know what I want. Go get it.”

“Fine, princess. One iced Americano coming right up. Don’t go away.” Myungsoo leans in, giving Sungyeol a quick peck on the lips before pulling away. Sungyeol watches as he walks away, lifting his camera to take a picture of the traffic.

Sungyeol laughs when he turns around abruptly at the edge of the sidewalk, waving cheekily before pointing his camera at Sungyeol. Sungyeol blows a kiss, making Myungsoo laugh from behind the viewfinder, and he finally turns back to actually cross the street.

Sungyeol leans back against the wall, trying not to grin like an idiot (but failing pretty badly, and not really caring). He has the best boyfriend in the world.

Title: weekend mornings
Rating: R
Pairing(s): Myungsoo/Sungyeol/Woohyun
Length: 1,120 words
A/N: Originally posted here on infinitememe.

Myungsoo wakes up to a cold draft on his bare back. Grimacing, he reaches around to tug the comforter back up, sighing when it settles in place. Damn it, he thought he was in the middle. Did he roll over? “Sungyeol?” he mumbles experimentally, burying his face in the pillow. He doesn’t get a response-no shifting, no ‘so you’re finally awake, idiot’-so he concludes that Sungyeol’s probably already out of bed. He reaches forward instead, vaguely groping around and feeling nothing but mostly-cool sheets. Damn. Woohyun’s gone too.

“What happened to sleeping in on weekends?” he asks the empty room dryly, forcing his eyes open. Thankfully, the curtains are still drawn, so he’s not immediately assaulted by too much light to handle. In fact, the room’s still completely dark and the air-con’s running at full speed-it’s like Sungyeol and Woohyun both got out of bed meaning to come back, or they’d have woken him up (and Myungsoo knows first-hand that they’re both very merciless and will stop at nothing when they want him awake).

It’s weird, though. It’s normal enough for one or the other of them to wake up early, but both? They’d usually wake him up in that case. Well, whatever. The only way to really find out is to get out of bed. If only it wasn’t so goddamn cold.

Finally, Myungsoo bravely pokes a toe out of the comforter, immediately flinching at how ridiculously icy it is and retreating hurriedly. (It’s Sungyeol’s fault-he insists that it’s necessary because Myungsoo ‘gives off more heat than should be humanly possible’, which Myungsoo doesn’t agree with because then he shouldn’t feel like he’ll freeze to death the moment he gets out of bed.) Eventually, after a couple more false tries, Myungsoo scrambles out from under the blanket and into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

“That had better have been worth it,” he grumbles, groping for his toothbrush. Sungyeol’s and Woohyun’s are both out of their cups again, so he puts them back. They’ll never remember that they’re supposed to put their toothbrushes back after using them. He gets washed up and dressed quickly (feeling really thankful that he had an outfit behind the door, because he didn’t turn off the air-conditioner before coming in) before venturing out of the bathroom and downstairs.

The first thing that greets him when he reaches the bottom of the stairs is the smell of coffee. (Now he knows who woke up first.) He’s in the process of sneaking as quietly as he can down the hallway to the kitchen, hopefully to pounce on Sungyeol from behind and freak the fuck out of him, when he hears laughter from the living room.

“No, not there, you idiot, are you trying to turn me on or make me laugh?” That’s Sungyeol’s voice, but he can hear Woohyun’s laughter joining in.

“Both. Think I can’t do it?”

Sungyeol’s laughter slips into a moan, one that sends a shiver of heat down Myungsoo’s spine. “No. I mean, yes. No, I mean-okay, yeah, that’s a lot better. Go on doing that.”

“You’re so easy.” Woohyun’s tone is affectionate, though. Myungsoo’s torn between being amused and aroused at the extremely audible kiss that follows, mingled with Sungyeol’s half-formed moans and a vague mumble of ‘goddammit, your belt’s stuck’. Suppressing a smile, Myungsoo slips into the kitchen.

Sure enough, Sungyeol’s made a new pot of coffee, and there’s a half-full mug already on the counter. Myungsoo considers refilling it, but ends up deciding against it, grabbing three new mugs instead and a tray. He takes a sip of his coffee before filling the others mugs, sighing at the warm buzz. There’s nothing quite like Sungyeol’s coffee. Woohyun’s the only idiot in this house who can’t appreciate how good it tastes black.

Myungsoo makes sure to dump extra sugar and cream into Woohyun’s mug before picking the tray up carefully. He smirks when he nudges the door open with his foot and the first thing he hears is Sungyeol moaning loudly, something that sounds like ‘Woohyun’ and ‘fuck’ and ‘right there’. It seems like they escalated quickly. The living room door’s only slightly ajar, so Myungsoo uses his foot again to shove it open, peering in.

Sungyeol’s bent backwards over the couch, arms wound tightly around Woohyun and his face buried in his neck. Woohyun looks like he’s holding Sungyeol up, but Myungsoo can’t be sure. As far as he’s concerned, he’s seeing far too little of this. Not bothering to shut the door behind him, Myungsoo walks in directly, smiling when both heads immediately swivel around to look over at him.

“Hey,” Sungyeol greets vaguely, botching his pronunciation entirely when Woohyun thrusts forward and he bites his lip. “Good morning. Um-oh, fuck.”

“You’re up early,” Woohyun says, sounding somewhat more coherent than Sungyeol. Not by much, though. Myungsoo shrugs, setting the tray down on the table and walking around the couch.

“You’re up earlier,” he answers, slowly admiring the view from top to bottom. Sungyeol’s long, pale legs are wound around Woohyun’s waist, and Woohyun’s hitching him up with his hands under his thighs. They’re both only naked from the waist-down-he expected as much, considering how quickly they progressed from making out to fucking-but it’s possibly an even more tantalising sight, with how much skin is being covered when he wants to see it all. “And also busy, I see.”

“Want in?” Woohyun asks with a grin, thrusting forward again to make Sungyeol swear and clutch at his shoulders. “Sungyeol’s mouth is unoccupied.”

“Can I please have a say in this?” Sungyeol groans, and Woohyun shuts him up with a kiss. Myungsoo watches the way their tongues tangle through the open-mouthed kiss, inhaling deeply. They’re both panting by the time Woohyun pulls away, but Sungyeol still adds, “And my mouth is plenty occupied.”

“Don’t make me,” Woohyun teases. “Will you ever say no to Myungsoo?” Sungyeol makes a face, but doesn’t bother denying it.

Myungsoo smiles, shaking his head. “No, it’s okay. I think…” He glances over, pulling over their footstool and straddling it, aware of the way both pairs of eyes follow his movements. “I’ll just watch,” he says, voice a little husky.

The heated look that he gets for his words is well worth it. “You always have the best ideas,” Sungyeol tells him seriously. Myungsoo grins, licking his lips deliberately just because.

“Thank you. So, are you going to…?”

“Yes,” Woohyun cuts in, and from the way Sungyeol moans readily, he’s definitely doing something right.

Myungsoo reaches down to fumble with his tightening jeans, never taking his eyes off Sungyeol and Woohyun. God, he loves weekend mornings.

pairing: myungsoo/sungyeol, !fanfic, pairing: ot7, infinite spectrum, pairing: sunggyu/woohyun, pairing: myungsoo/sungyeol/woohyun, fandom: infinite, pairing: woohyun/sungyeol

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