Got tagged...

Aug 18, 2005 13:02

Mrr.. thanks Midnight_hawk ...

List ten songs that you are currently digging. It doesn't matter what genre they are from, whether they have words, or even if they're no good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying right now. Post these instructions, the artists, and the ten songs in your blog. Then tag five other random people to see what they're listening to.

1. Yoko Kanno - Tank!
2. Maaya Sakamoto - Hemisphere
3. Yoko Kanno - The Real Folk Blues
4. Radiohead - Creep
5. Coldplay - Fix You
6. The Pillows - Ride on Shooting Star
7. Yoko Kanno - Face On
8. Jim's Big Ego - Stress
9. Mozart - 4th Symphony
10. Moonlips - Moonlight Densetsu

Okay.. and I tag...

and meraviglia!

If you already got one of these silly things, don't do it again and/or hurt me. Alrighty?
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