Ouran Contest: Complaint Challenge

Apr 14, 2011 12:24

Title: Bubbly Secrets
Rating: T
Genre: Humor/Friendship
Pairings/Characters: Haruhi X host club
Word count:1,291

Warning: Alcohol mentioned/teasing 
Summary: In celebration of Haruhi and the twins graduating from Ouran, Tamaki supplies a case of champagne from France. Tipsy silliness ensues.

Haruhi Fujioka wondered how she had gotten into this predicament. The obvious answer being that the host club was at fault was far too simple and needed some elaborating.

“Your fault.” Her steadily accusing finger pinpointed on the Hitachiin twins.

The shrugged in perfect tandem. “Not us.” Despite the succinct answer they wobbled slightly, also in tandem.

“Your fault.” Her finger moved to a giggling Tamaki Suou, he was after all the one who brought the case of champagne from France and cried when she said she didn’t want any. She’d eventually buckled under the force of his puppy eyes and now was sipping on her third glass of the tasty stuff.

He shrugged and slipped fluidly along the back of her couch, draping himself around her like a mink stole. Despite his token clumsiness Tamaki was naturally elegant in motion and his boneless grace irked her, even when drunk Tamaki was the perfect prince.

“I did warn you.” Kyoya sighed, sampling his own glass of champagne-his first and only glass.

“Hmph.” Haruhi gave him a narrow-eyed assessing look. Despite being quite tipsy she still had enough sense to know that if the ‘shadow king’ had really wanted to put a stop to their celebration he would have.

“Haaaaru-chan!” Mitsukuni Haninozuka jumped on the couch, deftly twisting his body around so his head lay in Haruhi’s lap. “Did you miss us?! Did you miss us?! Takashi! Sit there!” He pointed at the small amount of empty space on Haruhi’s other side and the tall kendo master folded himself into the seat.

The four older boys had graduated in the last two years and tonight-the night of Haruhi and the twins’ graduation-marked the first time in two years that the host club was complete and in their old music room.

“Yeah… I missed you.” Haruhi brushed back Honey’s hair and let her head lean against Mori’s shoulder as Tamaki’s fingers began running idly through her own hair.

The champagne Tamaki had brought when combined with the nostalgia of being reunited with her best friends was making her uncharacteristically affectionate.

“Let’s play a game!” Honey grinned up at her.

Had she been sober she would have caught the mischievous twinkle in his eyes that hinted at his real age. Mori shot his cousin a warning look that he dedicatedly ignored. While Honey was by no means spiteful he definitely had a wicked streak in him.

“Okay.” She smiled indulgently down at him. “What do you want to play?”

“Truth-” Kaoru began.

“Or dare.” Hikaru finished with a wink.

“No way!” Haruhi protested. “And your dares would probably involve pain or nudity!”

“Sometimes pain can bring about the most sinful pleasure.” Hikaru enticed, tangling his hand in his brother’s flame-colored hair and jerking his head back to expose a long throat.

“And what fun is pleasure if you’re not nude?” Kaoru finished, his voice husky from the tautness of his neck.

“Save the twincest for the girls.” Haruhi rolled her eyes.

“But Haru-chan you ARE a girl.”

“That does NOT mean I’m into twincest!”

Hikaru released his hold on his brother with a shrug. “It was worth a shot.”

Kaoru snorted and finger-combed his hair. “Next time I get to grab YOU by the hair.”

“What about a game of secrets!” Honey proposed excitedly.

“How’s it work Honey-Senpai?” Haruhi tilted her head curiously.

“We all take turns trying to figure out YOUR secrets Haru-chan!” He smiled innocently.

“But… I don’t have any secrets.” Haruhi shrugged. “Kyoya-senpai knows them all.”

“Not all.” Was Kyoya’s muttered response.

“I’ll go first!” Honey volunteered and his excitement was so infectious that Haruhi smiled. “Do you love anybody Haru-chan?”

The room went very still. Thankfully Haruhi’s completely lack of intuition kept her from noticing the sudden tension in the air.

“Sure.” She tapped her chin. “I love my parents and I love you guys.”

Honey frowned. That was not the kind of answer he’d wanted.

“I mean do you-”

“Mitsukuni.” Mori broke in, cutting off Honey.

Haruhi glanced up at the taller boy in surprise, while single words were Mori’s forte; it was unusual for him to interrupt his cousin. Honey shrugged but quietly sulked, only smiling again when Haruhi’s fingers went into his hair.

“I wanna go next!” Hikaru leaned forward earnestly. “Do you want to have anyone’s babies?”

Kyoya glanced at her out of the corner of his eye as Tamaki bolted upright, tumbling off the back of the couch with a muffled thump. “No daughter of MINE is-”

“That’s the kind of thing I’d tell my female friends about.” Haruhi rolled her eyes, cutting into Tamaki’s protective rant.

“You don’t have any female friends.” Kyoya interrupted smoothly and while he never took his eyes off his laptop he wasn’t typing or reading anything on the screen. “And clients do not count.”

“We ARE your female friends.” Kaoru reminded Haruhi with a grin, elbowing his twin in the ribs.

“Oh YEAH.” Hikaru snapped his fingers. “We can go drag out the wigs and dresses again if you need a reminder.”

Haruhi laughed outright at the memory of their cross-dressing stunt.

“So tell us, girlfriend.” Kaoru urged with a flick of his hand. “Do you want to have anyone’s babies?”

“That’s a pretty ridiculous question.” Haruhi snorted and finished her fourth glass of champagne, the bubbles taking the alcohol straight to her head and loosening her tongue. “But my situation is a little complicated.”

“Oh? Do tell! Do tell!” Hikaru fluttered his eye lashes in such a ridiculously simpering manner that she laughed again.

“All right, since it’s just us girls.” She grinned. “I think there’re some boys who want ME to have THEIR babies.”

The room stilled a second time.

“Is that so?” Kyoya broached, finally giving up the façade of work and turning his chair to face the rest of the group.

“Yup. But the thing is I don’t want to have…” She did some mental calculations. “Five babies. So I’ll stick with no babies!”

Honey gave up all pretenses of subterfuge and pouted, real hurt shining in his eyes. “Why five? Did you count me out Haru-chan?”

“Of course not.” Haruhi tapped his nose with a smile. “I figured that there’d only be one baby per family.”

Understanding dawned in the Haninozuka heir’s eyes. “Ohhh…” He glanced at the twins. “Makes sense.”

“Wait just a minute!” Hikaru protested immediately and vehemently. “There’re two of us so we each get our own baby!”

“Exactly. There’re TWO of you so you get ONE baby. No more double-trouble.” Haruhi shook her finger at them.

“HARUHI!!!” Tamaki flung himself around her neck from behind the couch. “You DO love daddy!”

“Tono, given the conversation you should really stop calling her that.” Hikaru commented blandly, earning a giggle from Honey and a small smile from Mori.

“You’re being unusually perceptive Haruhi.” Kyoya commented, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “Did Ranka-san perhaps mention-?”

“Dad complained that today after graduation he received six marriage proposals from five families.” Haruhi shrugged. “It wasn’t hard to figure out.”

“Ah.” The shadow king frowned at his club mates who were all looking at each other suspiciously. “And I suppose you two figured if you both applied for Haruhi’s hand it would increase your chances?” He asked the Hitachiin twins who looked entirely unsurprised.

“Marriage is kinda overkill though guys.” Haruhi looked at them all affectionately. “You really don’t have to take such drastic measures to keep me from leaving the host club, I was never planning on it.”

They stared at her.

“Indeed.” Kyoya smirked faintly at her typical imperceptiveness. “Well as long as we’re agreed that my child is the first born all will be well.”

The room erupted once more into chaos.

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