So I went to the underclass awards thingie today to see my happy underclass peeps (who I like better than the majority of my own class). I also had cards to give to teachers that I liked and I had newspaper business with Mr. Raia, as the Revere Journal plagiarized an article that Allison wrote about me (don't worry, we're all writing angry letters).
So I made some notes during the awards thing. Here's what I wrote:
(When they welcomed the families) AND ALUMNI!!!
You know, there's a mic there for a reason people.
What Justin was thinking as he stood there with his award: "Yeah, I'm too cool for this."
"The followings students is receiving . . ."
The freshmen are kinda slow. "Hold your applause" *freshmen applaud* "Again hold your applause" *freshmen applaud* "Wait until all the names have been called *freshmen applaud*
Mr. Arria looked very bored.
Apparently MIT = Mount Holyoke. Because they look so similar.
"To show our appeesiation . . ."
The Newspaper awards of being consistent.
"Yeah, we're gonna give out some scholarships."
I noticed that it was never the smart people, or girls, who tripped on the stairs.
Sports are boring *yawn*
Mrs. Demarco got booed! I was happy.
Student of the Year = 3 people!
Mr. Arria: "I'm leaving Pope John." Students: "YAY!" *applause* END OF SCHOOL CRAP. Now let's talk about Star Wars!
So yesterday I saw Revenge of the Sith and have determined that it will be this summer's "Prisoner of Azkaban" for me (I saw PoA three times last summer, and I barely go to the movies). I thought it was generally fucking awesome. Of course, being me, I did have a few snarky observations:
Where the hell did Anakin get the scar over his eye? Was that in a Clone Wars episode that I missed? Granted, it made him look more badass but I thought it was awkward that it wasn't explained.
What the hell happened to General Grievous?! In the Clone Wars cartoon he was not a coward and he never ran away. And the voice?! What was that?! They should've either kept Gary Oldman's voice (non-union memeber my ass!) or had John DiMaggio from the cartoon do it.
At least they bothered to make about three sets for this movie. Not a lot, but the constant CGI of "Attack of the Clones" really annoyed me.
What was C3P0's purpose? The fanboys probably would've been pissed off if he wasn't there, but he seriously had no purpose. He didn't even get any comic relief lines. R2D2 is there because he DOES STUFF. It's not necessary to add in every character from the original trilogy as you can.
Ditto with Chewbacca and the Wookie planet. The whole thing with Yoda there seemed pretty pointless.
When Yoda got in the little ship on the Wookie planet and it blasted off, was anyone else reminded of "E.T."?
Hayden and Natalie were much better in this movie, but they still have the most horrible dialogue ever. "You're beuatiful because I love you" ??? *gag*
Well, Hayden plays brooding and agnstiness much better than romance anyway.
The whole Palpitine becoming deformed from the lightning was very weird. Very very weird.
Ewan McGreggor is hot. And awesome. And that's all that needs to be said.
I really dislike how all the fans are saying stuff like "OMG TEH JEDIS ARE HYPOCRITS IN TEH MOVIE OH NOEZ 11!!!!" Don't you think that might be the point of the movie? The Force was out of balance because of A. Palpitine and B. The Jedi Order had become corrupt. Thus Anakin/Vader DOES bring balance to the Force by first exterminating the old Jedi, then by fathering Luke who turned him back to the light side so that he could kill Palpitine in "Return of the Jedi." I mean, DUH.
Most fans complained about the first half-hour or so being completely pointless. I disagree. For me, the real treat was seeing Anakin and Obi-Wan working together and actually being friends, which makes Anakin's betrayal even worse. A real relationship needed to be set up between them, especially since in "Attack of the Clones" Obi-Wan mostly played "overworked dad" to Anakin's "whiny teen."
Both Yoda vs. Palpitine and Anakin/Vader vs. Obi-Wan were spectacular fights, but I was very annoyed that they cut between them. Usually Lucas pulls off showing several battles at once pretty well, but I think that these fights were too important seperately to intercut. He should've started with Yoda and Palpitine and completed it, and then have Anakin/Vader vs. Obi-Wan be the climax.
Anakin/Vader vs. Obi-Wan just might be my favorite lightsaber battle ever, for both the visuals and the high emotional stakes.
Okay, okay, I know it's a movie, but c'mon, how the hell did Anakin survive at all, albiet confined to a life support suit for the rest of his life? The guy had THREE limbs cut off and then his whole body was BURNED by fire and lava??? I can only suspend my disbelief so much.
Speaking of suspension of disbelief, Obi-Wan must have seriously defied physics to cut off Anakin's legs AND his left arm in one stroke. I mean seriously.
Is it just me, or did Padme's appearance of being pregnant change a lot? Especially at the end. Right before she's about to give brith she doesn't look pregnant at all. Then at the funeral her body looks WAY pregnant. Inconsistent much?
Usually I try to distance myself from the wanky fans, but I share this complaint very much with them: "She's lost the will to live." WTF?! What the hell do you mean "Lost the will to live?!" She was the fucking Queen of Naboo when she was 14! "She's fine medically"?! Why not just say that childbirth combined with her injuries from Anakin was too overwhelming for her? Okay, I might be able to buy that she can't live without Anakin, if she didn't have children. Ever heard of a thing called "Maternal instinct", George? The whole "lost the will to live" thing was serious character-rape for Padme.
Even with the flaws, this was the Star Wars movie I've been waiting for my whole life. It pleases me much.