Jul 12, 2006 21:26
So the semi-annual kidney-health-DOOM thingie went alright. Slight increase in the meds, otherwise fine. It actually wasn't that bothersome until the end when I had to make my next appointment. I swear, I have a talent for picking the densest desk workers. She made the appointment for exactly six months so when I said "Um, can I have it a week earlier? I'll be in college then. Out of state." She looked at me like I had six heads. And then she needed another woman to come over and explain how to check the radiology department schedule, and that the ultrasound needs to be on the same day as the appointment! OY! Fifteen minutes to make a damn appointment!
*rant mode off*
So yes, pirates. On Saturday I am FINALLY seeing POTC 2 with teh parents. I decided to be nice and wait for my parents to see it because 1. I'll be away most of next week and 2. this means I don't have to pay for myself (*is secretly devious*). But I'm not just talking about Johnny and hot Hollywood Disney pirates here. I'm also talking about PIRATES. Thanks to the POTC movies and recent History channel shows about historical pirates, my writer's block has been dislodged somewhat. I'm not exactly writing, but I have ideas again. As someone who hasn't had any new ideas since break started, this is a wonderous feeling. I'm in the process of developing two projects (read: MINE).
1. A novel (and possibly a sequel or two) about a crew of vigilante pirate-hunters. Itll be a real swashbuckler, but it will also have some drama and some light humor and romance, but it's mainly adventure/drama. After reading about the female pirates Mary Read and Anne Bonney, I thought "Why can't we have a kickass chick in the Golden Age of piracy who's like a Horatio Hornblower type - a hero rather than a thief and murderer?" So one of the main characters is a female captain of the pirate-hunters with a shady past, known by many as The Steel Heron. After the millions of cool kick-ass male pirates, the ladies deserve their due in pop culture.
2. Definately not as serious as the above project. This is a screenplay that is GUARANTEED to make me money (even if it costs my soul). I was speculating about the brilliant PR strategy employed by the publicists for Snakes on a Plane, and how it is already destined to become a cult classic months before its release. So I figure I can do the same thing if I get such an awesomely bad idea as muthafuckin snakes on a muthafuckin plane.
And then I realized the knowledge that I have that Hollywood lacks: the power of fangirls and what makes them tick.
Hollywood movies are often geared to get a fanboy following. But they underestimate the staying power of fangirls, especially teenage fangirls. When they love a film, the latch onto it, see it several times, buy the DVD and all the Hot Topic merchandise. So I determined, that for my brilliant plan to work best, I need to get an awesomely bad idea that appeals directly to the sensibilites of the much-ignored teenage fangirl. Being one myself, I thought, "What do teenage girls love?"
Teenage girls love beefcake.
Teenage girls love pirates.
Teenage girls love vampires.
There it is : VAMPIRATES!
Plot? I'll come up with a plot later. Not that it matters much. It's VAMPIRES who are also PIRATES. And are mostly hot half-naked men. They're VAMPIRATES, bitches! Tell me that is not the most brilliant idea I've ever come up with.
ETA: Okay, so Mary alerted me to existance of an online comic which already bears the name of "Vampirates." That does not mean that I can't write my own story about vampires, some of whom are also pirates, but I think I should stop using that phrase, as it might possibly get me into some sticky legal trouble and such. :P