Doing my Monday Meme on Thursday night as Monday I was in the presence of the second most sexy man on the planet...Mr Trent Reznor for your time wasting pleasure:
1:Would you rather eat sushi or escargot?
I've had and enjoy both, but definitely sushi!
2: What describes your relationship status?
Disgustingly in love
3: Where are you?
My house...somewhere on the Planet Earth
4: What's the last movie you've seen?
Mama Mia!
5: Do you live with your parents?
Nope...but I'm one of those weird people who would be fine if my mom moved in with me
6: Where do you live?
In a perpetual state of bliss
7: Who have you talked to most today?
8: Do you carve pumpkins every year?
Not every year...but I will do so this year for sure
10: Color of your shirt?
Black....wait...calm down. I know how much of a SHOCK that one was
11: How many years have you taken a language?
1 year of Spanish and semester of German
12: Who's the 20th person in your Contacts List in your phone?
To find this out would mean I have my phone with me. As I do not, and really don't want to get up and dig for it in my purse, you don't get to know the answer of this one.
13: Do you like yourself?
I think I'm pretty neato keen
14: Do you wish on 11:11?
I do when I catch it
15: Good advice if you ever go camping?
Pack a set of mundanes in a plastic bag along with an extra pair of shoes and LEAVE THEM IN THE CAR!
16: Are you a bad influence?
No...except I influenced a friend to get a celebrity autographed tattooed on a body that bad?
17: Do you enjoy Diet Rockstars?
DISGUSTING...every single one of those energy drinks are disgusting!
18: Rather have your name or your siblings?
I like mine just fine thankyou...and considering I'm the only girl, I don't think I could pull off "John" or "Matt" as well as they could...altho probably much better than either of them could pull off "Jennifer"
19: Would you do anything for someone else?
Do I get to pick the someone I'm doing anything for?
20: Have you ever been called a bitch?
Absolutely!!!!!!!!!!!! Some times as a compliment and some times...not so much
21: Favorite color?
Black (duh)
22: Do you like cookies?
Yes...espeically my home made ones
26: What would you do if the person you loved moved across the world?
Grab his hand and go along for the ride
29: Last time you went out to lunch?
Sushi date wif mai hunny last nite!
30: What is to the right of you?
Philz...the angry blue penguin
32: Who do you hate?
...not a clue....
33: Do you have any Britney Spears CDs?
34: What's your favorite band?
KISS...NIN...Rascal Flatts (one of these things is not like the other)
35: Are you a Lost fanatic?
No...kinda got into it when I had access to the DVDs but not so much anymore
37: Do you have a song by Ozzy Osbourne in your library?
Ummmmmm...considering Ozzy was the first concert I ever went to...I have most of his full albums in my library.
43: Do you sing obnoxiously in the car?
Whenever I can.
48: Have true love or be a millionaire?
*taps chin* you could buy a looooot of love with a million dollars. KIDDING....I'll take my darling many anyday before some stupid money.
49: Favorite eye color on the opposite sex?
I just like nice eyes that smile. But I guess I'm a little partial to the icy blue color
54: Have you ever been to South America or Africa?
Nope....I have lots of other places to go first.
55: Do you know how to knit?
Took lessons last year, then hurt my back and couldn't hold the needles out to work and have sense forgotten. I'm hoping to relearn tho
57: Have you ever written love song lyrics yourself and put them on myspace?
Considering MySpace....or the internet did not really exsist at the time I was writing cheesey song have never posted song lyrics on MySpace
58: Do you swear?
All the fucking time
59: When you open your closet, what is the dominant color?
Black and Green
60: Baskin Robbins or Coldstone?
Marble Slab
61: Physics or chemistry?
Is there a none of the above option?
63: Who was the last person you yelled at?
I can't remember the last time I yelled...I'm sure my honey will be able to tell me tho.
65: Walk or Run?
I can do both...thank you.
66: Who called/texted your cell last?
67: Road trip or fly?
ROAD TRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
68: Batman, Spiderman, or Superman?
Batman....and Spawn!
69: What's your favorite Disney movie?
Sleeping Beauty.
70: Ever been skinny dipping?
72: Bug or insects?
hate....nuf said
74: Do you have a secret crush?
I think my crush is pretty clued in
75: Do you ever want to get married?
Eventually...but happy now just being together
76: Are you happy?
Yep! LOL
79: Will anyone repost this?