Pet peeve

Aug 10, 2010 14:17

Hygiene here really bothers me. While I'm such everything is regulated to the point of insanity, it isn't enforced. badrach could never eat at a döner place, a mensa and probably not most restaurants because there is clearly too little food service training. A vegetarian friend of mine was getting food at the mensa, had already picked up a 'vegetarian' plate and noticed that the thongs the guy serving the vegetarian food was using were also being used for meat. When she complained, the guy rolled his eyes at her, and everyone behind the counter bitched at her. And they made her pay for it since she put it on her plate. She went back the next day asking to speak to someone in charge and managed to find a decent human being who apologized and went around telling people they were going to have a seminar after work that day about those kinds of things. But no one paid her back.

What about people with dietary restrictions. I bet that pork has touched the 'no pork' dishes, and all of the soups are cooked with meat broth.

As for fast food, like döner stands, most of the time, the same thong is used to touch every vegetable, pepper and salad. Even though there are always individual thongs on each container. It's the same thing at ice cream stands. At the mensa yesterday, where you can spoon dessert into your cup, some student touched the spoon from the vanilla quark into his half filled with almond pudding cup. Thanks asshole, now anyone allergic to almonds might get sick or even die because of you. If I didn't hate Subway so much, I'd go in there to see if American hygiene standards have made it into American franchises, but I'm disinclined to hope for such.


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