Apr 09, 2009 14:55

My opinion of the EU is becoming more realistic; it's not all great.

Noting that this is all learned from explanations and that my slow internet connection makes researching it not worthwhile, here are issues I have.

- If streets are smaller than a certain size, there's no stripe in the middle to show lanes.
What crap is this? People, you have fog, mist, and tiny tiny roads here! Having a middle lane is great for orientation. It might cost the state/country more to keep repainting the middle lines(since they're driven over so often), but it's worth it. Fail one.
- The attempt to limit the amount of salt in bread
Germany has amazingly tasty bread, and the EU wants to kill this. No other country that I know of is so famous for its tasty bread nor do citizens consume as much regularly as here. SALT ADDS FLAVOR. Trying to dictate health guidelines has a limit, if the bread doesn't taste as good, it won't be bought(people will take it making it at home again), and you kill many small businesses. Bad for the economy! Fail two.
- Making an EU wide speed limit
This is obviously directly aimed at Germany. While it would be better for the environment and, frankly, the economy here(everyone drives through Germany instead of stopping for a day or two), there's a reason people are allowed to drive so fast here: They learn to drive really, really well. Plus there are already so many speed limits on the autobahns(interstates) here, it would barely make a different. I won't call this a fail because it's really just silly.
- The laws on how curvy a banana or pickle can be
Good food is thrown away because it's not at a straight enough angle. Seriously. Apparently, e.g. more pickles fit into a jar, if this is regulated. WTF. Fail 3 and 4

I'm sure there are more, and you'll all hear about it.
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