Kind of scary recent interview with Sarah Palin

Sep 02, 2008 11:57

TIME: How old were you when you ran for city council??

I think was 27 or 28, and then was elected mayor when I was 32.

TIME: You have five children. You must be incredibly busy.

I'm just very blessed. My husband loves being a dad as much as I love being a mom. I've got great help there.

TIME: What's your religion?


TIME: Any particular...?

No. Bible-believing Christian.

TIME: Have you ever seen a grown man naked?

I told him right off the bat, "Oh my goodness, the nation needs you."

TIME: do you ever…. hang around the gymnasium?

It kind of cracks me up. It is so far out of the realm of possibility and reality.

TIME: do you like movies about gladiators?

Well no, of course not. [And] low taxes of course, we know spur the economy. I’m a Republican.

TIME: have you ever been in a Turkish prison?

Oh, we’re overdue for that. Absolutely. I would love to see that happen.


* all are actual quotes from Palin. CNN is fucking AWESOME.

sarah palin, airplane!, drinking problem, politics, shirley, dylan, poetry slam, rnc, my back pages, hurricane gustav, panties

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