(no subject)

Jun 01, 2013 13:33

I started my new role and moved into my new office on Monday and moved into my new apartment on Wednesday. This has been one hectic week.

Although it may be too early to tell, I am quite happy in my new role now. The work is interesting and people seem really nice. I am learning new things instead of doing same old same old. Although I feel quite useless right now, I am definitely not the bundle of nerves that I used to be when I started out three years ago. I am not as afraid of making mistakes anymore - not that I'm less careful but I have a better sense of what I needed to learn and do so I am not freaking out all the time (well I still have my moments but it's me). Trust me, freaking out is a lot of work and energy and I would rather spend the energy doing good work. There is definitely some comfort level that comes with experience.

I'm really supposed to be catching up with my readings over the weekend. But in my new apartment I feel I'm on vacation for some reason, probably because it is an unfamiliar environment which invokes a feeling that is similar to staying in a hotel. Although hotel certainly does not require unpacking - that is going to be a lot of work.
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