So some band called Cobra Starship is playing at the Croatian on the twenty-third (it`s a Thursday, which is fine for me `cause I`m a slack-ass public servant who gets Fridays off, but anyway). Any locals (semi-locals, non-locals, wtfever) feel like going?
Yes, it`ll be all-ages, and yes, it is the Croatian. However, I have to point out that
wilde_stallyn and I took one for the team and went to TAI (and Sherwood! And Armour For Sleep! And--and. Yeah, it was bad) there last fall (my thirteen-year-old cousin from the sticks attended, I am not fucking kidding). I think I am owed an adult concert experience in that venue (granted, this is not terribly likely with CS, but. I really want to see them live again).
It`s twenty dollars. Make your decision.
(Please forgive the bad-format apostrophes in this post; my partner switches his keyboard to German for things and then doesn`t switch it back and I don`t know how.)