1. Hockey RPF keeps being exactly what I want in a fandom right now. It's got an adequate flow of quality fic in the ships I want to read, and it's also incredibly low-maintenance. Thanks, hockey RPF.
2. My tumblercation led to a sad lapse in skills, and I've now lost to the ether a gifset of Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen calling each other "Sir Patrick" and "Sir Ian" AND one of Jared Padalecki making fun of Jensen Ackles for being an old. WHY DID I FORGET ABOUT BOTH THE QUEUE AND HEARTING THINGS. WHY.
3. Fall Out Boy. That is all.
4. My life is a bit o__o right now, with the moving and the still moving and the still moving and the adjusting to another person being around in my house and the everything hurts all the time. So. Fandom! Input with no output, on tap! It's pretty great.
5. And I miss Hilary a lot. When I'm done moving (project completion: Spring 2024! Your tax dollars at work!), I'm going to do a memorial Sports Night re-watch. I feel she would appreciate the thought and also the lolariousness.
This is a DW-origin crospost, oh noes. Please comment on the original post
here. There are currently