1. Saw that movie again on Sunday night, finally with
estrellada (and another friend). I realized over the weekend, after completing my re-watch of ALL THE PREQUELS WHAT--I can't imagine going back to non-Whedon superhero movies (he knows what to do with an ensemble! VERY LITTLE OF THE GROSS. Women and POC just being--around! Doing stuff!). If Marvel doesn't sign him for Avengers 2, I'm going to be upset.
Also, it would be a monumentally stupid decision for a variety of reasons besides my extraordinary upset.
2. Working my way through the recs y'all gave me last week. I am a very happy reader of things :)))
3. One of the people I follow on the tumbler, who is also an IRL friend, is annoyedly all about Tom Hiddleston right now (she calls him "Hiddles," Idk if that's a fandom thing or what, but it's adorable). Most of the tags on her entries/reblogs are, like, "#nobody likes you now go away," "#i hate your face," and "#fuck you seriously." I watched the
2011 NYCC Avengers panel--at about the point where he goes "leather and metal--that's how we like it on Asgard," I said, out loud, in a tone of mingled horror, disgust, and adoration, "Oh fuck you, seriously."
It is his superpower, obvs. He is Loki.
(Not really. I'm sure he's never killed eighty people in two days; probably.)
4. The other thing I learned from watching the NYCC panel is that I need to listen to Chris Evans's actual accent for the rest of my life. What.
5. And Clark Gregg and Cobie Smulders are the cutest things who've ever been cute. (Relatedly, Cobie has such a Canadian accent in the movie!!!!!!! I love her!!!!!!!!!)
6. And I need to start hanging out with (more) people who will either understand or just be cool with me using the word "ruffalize" in conversation. Because I'm going to be doing that now.
7. That is all. GOOD NIGHT AVENGERS.
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