So I'm watching American Psycho for the first time, and I'm thinking two things:
a. Holy allegory, Batman. o___o
b. It's damn weird to be a fan of horror/slasher/gore when one has radical, feminist politics. I think part of why I keep watching these things is the experience of hope that the victims will be survivors (which is sometimes fulfilled--but never always, or even often, obviously). I'm always waiting for the
Final Girl to show up, always hoping she'll be the first one. I don't know how exactly this relates to my own emotional/psychological stuff (which is connected to my experiences of misogyny, etc. etc. etc.), although I will say for sure that my interest in/fandom of these genres has deepened since I left the abusive relationship I was in and started realizing I'd been abused.
PS: Lol, Nick Stokes is the Final Girl.
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