1. I'd like to write Southland/people who write about Southland for money a letter in re: not being known as "the gay one" =/= "closeted."
I have thoughts and feelings, obviously.
2. I had a really amazing day yesterday. I want to say nothing earth-shattering happened, except that lots of earth-shattering things happened (I had unstructured hang-outs with a bunch of friends! I have a bunch of friends! Talked with
verying for a minute! We won the hockey! Etc.).
3. I have a new phone. It thinks it's smarter than me, but it's really not and eventually we'll come to an understanding. Hopefully.
4. Leverage is back in two weeksish!
5. I made a mix for the
kink_bingo ramp-up. I'm also going to do a recs set. Look for these things on/around May 27.
6. That is all! Off to work!
This is a DW-origin crospost, oh noes. Please comment on the original post
here. There are currently