make you believe; make you forget.

Dec 29, 2010 08:52

1. Shoulder is improving. I still have to go to the doctor.

2. I am torn between wanting new Southland NAO, and wanting it to come later so I have more time to finish at least one story. This show has a habit of tossing out backstory completely at random, sigh.

3. Watched the first two episodes of Lost Girl yesterday morning--not terrible! The "ohhh I need to have sex to heeeeeeal" BS at the end of the second episode annoyed me a lot (they do a good job of building a feminine, female character whose strength really actually is her sexuality, but that development--which felt random and gratuitous to me--discredited a lot of the work they'd done; imho!), but I have a few more on the hard drive and will give them a watch before I decide if it's too annoying. Also, I think Bo has far more/better chemistry with the doctor than Not A Werewolf!Dude, and if she does learn how to control her feeding, Doctah Lauren should totes be her swan for life.

Also, I'm not sure how I feel about using the ~British Isles version of fae mythology on a global scale. I think it's faily--despite there being many and awesome fae of colour, because, you know, there have been people of colour in all different parts of the world pretty much since people figured out how to travel; it's more the lack of acknowledgement of or integration with other folk mythologies, um, let's not talk about what happened to SPN there, pls--but I'm not sure.

4. Leverage! It's cute and I like the characters a lot--but there's this weird, uncomfortable treading between Srs Subjex and Wacky Hijinx that fails a lot of the time? For me, anyway. The whole "haha, Nate drinks! He's a drunk, it's a character trait! Shut up, Sophie!" suddenly becoming "...and it's a big problem and there is drama!", for example. Or revealing that Eliot was proooobably abused as a child one episode, and the next making a joke out of him breaking his own claustrophobia by locking himself in a shed for two days (and, lols! He only sleeps 40 minutes a day! Eccentric badass :D! :/).

And then there's Parker. *hands*

Partially, I think it's the music? The Wacky Hijinx cues over the Srs Subjex content--it's confusing to my brain. And the comedic acting/writing, also. It just trips me up. Idk.

(Maybe I'm not used to TV shows treating Srs Subjex the same way my friends and I do. Still. Part of me thinks, "Maybe TV shouldn't be doing that!")

Unrelatedly, I watched the episode with Eliot and the Israeli hitter and the handcuffs and Hardison being cute, and then I clicked on an Eliot/Parker/Hardison story where handcuffs Do Not Work for Parker, and then I watched the one where she electrocutes the security guard kind of excessively and with an adorbs little smirk? And I was like, "Eep! Maybe electricity, then???" Hrm. Yes. There should be a story about how they each have their things that they don't like, to varying degrees, and not necessarily because of Terrible Backstory or anything (although of course because of that occasionally. And maybe sometimes they're into things precisely because of Terrible Backstory! People are complex!), and it would also be about team dynamics and why poly is pretty great for some folks. ...The end.

5. Sherlock rec(s): "A Thorough Examination/In Depth" by
emungere; Sherlock/John, NC17, contains: noncon, dubcon, psychological manipulation, thoughts and discussion of suicide; medical fetish, "extreme" insertion/penetration, sounding, e-stim, use of a gun during sex. Link is to part 1 of 2 (fics are posted contiguously).

These are dark and creepy and harshly clinical. Lovely. This author is one of my favourite Firefly writers, and I'm delighted that one of my favourite things about their Firefly stories (a subtle creepiness--an ability to draw out the subtly creepy elements of the source text) is brought right to the forefront here.

"A Thorough Examination" is Sherlock POV, while "In Depth" is a John POV sequel.

The John characterization is, by sections of the stories, awesome, but it's hard to get a handle on him as a whole. Which might be part of the point. I enjoyed how quickly Sherlock adapted to the pretty horrifying situation in "A Thorough Examination," as well as how, well, thoroughly he was fucked up by it. Nom.

6. I think that's it? I'm trying to find something to do for New Year's, but I might just end up hanging out at home watching TV on Charlie. *\o/*

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(recs) sherlock holmes, (writing process) writting prossess, (fandom) plausible like gravity, (irl) is not only a noun but also a verb, (southland) is proooooblematic, (recs) recs

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