1. I have a new apartment! I am moving at the end of the month, which is of course mid-week, so there will have to be some scheduling and things and shenanigans and exhaustion. Whoo. Still, new apartment! It's in the queerbourhood; basically, all the queers I know and love live within a twenty-minute bus ride radius, which is amazing and wonderful. Also, many of my favourite places to eat and buy things are across the street or a few blocks away.
New apartment is also weeeeeeee, but we'll deal with it.
2. So, the secret possible blog of secretness is signed "xx" instead of "xo," and just that gives me new thoughts for The One Where Pete's A Trans Woman. Sigh. My brain.
3. A couple years ago, I got about halfway through a ridiculous cross stitch project (...I do cross stitch, btw) of a DRAGON guarding a CASTLE in 14pt with one million colours and colour combinations and quarter stitches and similar Level 6 bullshit, and then I realized the kit came with the wrong supplementary colour cards (ie, I should have had cards A and B, and actually had cards C and D). I tried to pick it up again a few weeks ago and it gave me a headache and made my tendonitis act up so bad it's just feeling better now (and, you know, the still not having the right colours for the dragon's belly and the castle and fields of amber grain or whateverthefuck). This makes me sad, because I like cross stitch.
4. I would like to see The Social Network again. MRRRRR. Also, RED.
6. ONE WEEK AND A FEW DAYS TO HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS (PART ONE) IN MY FACE. So excited! I thought I'd lost/left my wand in Chicago, but I did not! This is awesome, because I always go in Hogsmeade clothes, so if I don't have a wand I'm not really a wizard at all, am I.
7. I have so many shows to get caught up on, ugh, but all I want to do is read random fic and fandom re-cast Tony Buff's ROUGH series (teh gay prons, fyi). Because I'm a sick person, obviously.
(Basically: Cooper and Sherman. I haven't put a lot more thought into it than that. *eyeroll at self*)
8. I made vegetarian burrito filling with black beans this afternoon, and that shit gets everywhere, god. I just found a little crusty drop spot on my foot.
...Okay, yeah, I'm done. Laters!
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