tell me the first, very first, record you owned.

Oct 25, 2010 13:34

0. Those of you who were ~privileged enough to see it, thank you for your comments on The Break-Up Post. I accept and appreciate all forms of hugs! Though you might have to double-check my calculations on exchange rates, fyi.

1. I am going to put on a moooovie (possibly one of the ones I'm not taking with me, sadface) and make some quesadillas and pack the rest of my books. The next two weeks are for packing as much as I can, because there's no point in looking for a place for the end of November right now (though I did e-mail one that's available mid-late November, so! We shall see).

2. There should be writer's groups where you go and set up your notebook or laptop and then just write. None of this talking/workshopping/writing exercise nonsense. Meh. I don't want to talk to people, I just want a structure that's not controlled by or accountable to me alone. Geez. Is that really too much to ask?

3. The Wikipedia article on mezuzot is so indicative of why exactly I love being Jewish. We have nineteen different opinions on everything!!! But we all agree that it's important to put the Shema by your door! (Or within three inches of it, anyway. Ish. Possibly every door in the house? Except for closets and bathrooms. Maybe. Depending on which rabbi you like.) :D

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(writing process) writting prossess, (irl) is not only a noun but also a verb, (links) random things

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