let the dirt fall all around me baby.

Aug 19, 2009 20:22

There's something charming about the fic I'm about to link. It's kind of over the top and stupid, with a little too much of the "if I felt like writing another thousand words, this is how the fic would go, but I don't, so! lol! BOYS!!!" thing bandom is so good at, but still. Charming and clueless and sweet and I really like Mark and Patrick and Travis (Barker) in it.

" Square Root of Four" by matchsticks_p. Implied Mark/Pete, actual Tom (DeLoooonge)/Patrick, Pete/Patrick, and Tom/Mark. Etc. I'm sure you can figure it out. Author rates R, I'd give it a 14A for intimations of people having enthusiastic intercourse. 3800 words.

So, anyway, I have actual Saturday-Sunday-shaped weekends until sometime in December, whoo. And I'm off early enough on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday to take a class or two and also keep attending the good yoga class (which I've been faily in for three weeks, but whatever, I'm going to see a doctor about the fatigue and groinal tenderness, leave me alone). Plus, more hours=more pay=saving up eight hundred dollars for SFU tuition (for ONE CLASS, oh my gosh, community college completely spoiled me).

ALSO, ALSO, LET ME TELL YOU THIS, I'M PRETTY EXCITED ABOUT IT: I can go to synagogue!!! \o/ \o/ \o/ I haven't been to synagogue in like six years, guys. This is going to be ridiculous. But hopefully also awesome.

Lastly, BJ's Succinct & Awesome Movie Revue for Breakfast with Scot: So this is a movie about a closeted ex-NHLer/sports anchor (Tom Cavanagh, n'aww) and his partner (who, it is implied, was something of a twirling sissy as a child, but grew into a straight-looking/straight-acting lawyer man guy), who end up having to take care of the partner's musical-loving, figure-skating, knitting (KNITTING), sticker-applying, boa-wearing nephew for a few months after the kid's mom dies of drug-related shenanigans.

There are painful attempts to make the kid not be such a twirling sissy (for his own protection, of course, because the hockey player--Eric--got called "Erica" for his entire career, just on the suspicion that he might be gay), and there is a lot of self-hate, but in the end there's some win. The homophobic prepubescent bully accepts his love and talent for playing the Casio keyboard, anyway. Lots of pretty cool female supporting characters, as well, though none of them are explicitly queer. Also, lots of kids playing hockey, which always makes me smile.

Idk, I'd watch it again. The subtle way being closeted works its way into a relationship is very nicely done (the partners never hold hands, rarely touch casually, cuddle exactly once, and do not kiss on-screen until the very end), though they pretty obviously love each other very much. Tom Cavanagh and Ben Shenkman: surprisingly good actors. And, and, and, I loved it when the kid asked Tom's character how he keeps track of who knows and who doesn't know. Amazing.

...That wasn't very succinct, sorry.

This is a DW-origin crospost, oh noes. Feel free to comment on LJ or the original post here.

(recs) fob, (irl) is not only a noun but also a verb, (srsly) summarization is my superpower, (recs) recs

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