Sophomore Year Chapter 14

Jan 01, 2011 20:40

Title: Sophomore Year 14/?
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance/AU
Pairing: Jaemin
A/N: The first chaptered DBSK fanfic I ever started (like 2006? O.O). Please note overall silliness, random dialogue, the occasional OOCness with some dashes of angst and smex.

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
| Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13

Jae?" Changmin glanced over from the computer desk.

"Hmm?" Jaejoong was a bit distracted, looking through a magazine on Changmin's bed.

"Shouldn't you, you know, finish moving in and stuff? I mean, we still have a lot of the summer left."

"What, I can't just bum here with you?" Changmin just looked at him (but his eyes are smiling, uneven) and Jae laughed.

"Anyway, Yunho keeps making cow eyes at this girl...I think her name's Stephanie? And he keeps asking me for help. I mean, it's cute and all, but he should just go for it. She seems nice enough, from what I can tell. At least Henry's been more quiet. But I don't really know the guy too well..." Jae was rambling.

"Who's Henry?" Changmin interrupted.

"He's this new exchange kid from... China? No wait, he's from Canada or something but he's Chinese. I think Yunho met him through class or something." Jaejoong looked pensive as he bit his lip.

"Huh. Anyway though, I still think you should at least take your things out of storage...?"

"But it's quiet at my house. You have a more lively house. Why bother settling in over there when I can just be here with you?" Jaejoong grinned wide.

"If by lively, you mean having very sexual active girls around who tease you and mother you and want to know everything about your boyfriend, then yes, it's true," and Changmin rolled his eyes. "I'm surprised you haven't met them yet; usually they're around."

"Do they know who I am already?" Jaejoong cocked his head, eyes widening.

"Well, I've told them I have a boyfriend... but besides that, not really much else. Actually, they don't even know you're here, so that's probably why we're not having an interrogation right now," Changmin thought out loud.

"Oooh lovely. It'd be like meeting the parents huh?"
"Umm, maybe more like when I met your sisters?"

Changmin shook his head at that memory. He didn't think he would get out alive after being talked at by eight different older women. Jae had just laughed and laughed while Min tried desperately to keep cool and not scowl.

"I'm sorry about that, really I am," but Jae was already covering his mouth, the chuckles escaping his fingers.

"Yeah, right," Changmin snorted. He massaged the bridge of his nose slightly, finally finishing the last problem. Standing up to stretch, he padded towards the bed where Jae was on his back, reading Neverwhere.

"And I'm done! Finally can relax," Changmin announced as he plopped on his stomach. He let his arms and legs stretch out fully across the bed, something he usually couldn't do on the dorm beds. Luckily, Emily had a rather large bed, of which he was eternally grateful for.

He glanced over at Jae, who was reading intently. There was a slight cross breeze from the open window and Min watched the wisps of Jae's hair flutter slightly. One impertinent strand glanced across his lips, making Jae instinctively scrunch up his nose slightly. Min turned to his side. He found himself reaching up to tuck the long hair behind Jae's ear.

"You looked like a rabbit you know, wriggling your nose like that."
"A very sexy rabbit, I'm sure." And just for effect, Jaejoong wriggled his nose again.
"Mmm." Changmin was feeling sleepy and found his eyes closing. He snuggled closer to Jae, immediately comforted by the warmth and spice of his scent. A sudden ringing interrupted his nap and Changmin groaned before getting up.

Glancing at the caller id, he swallowed to see it was Kibum.

"H-hello?" Changmin answered. Jae looked up from his magazine, a slightly quizzical expression on his face.

"Hi, uh, it's me, Kibum. Actually, Heechul's having pizza tonight and if you weren't busy, did you want to come?"


"I know you might feel a little awkward, but Heechul's been a little crazy these days what with his project due soon and Shiwon being out of town. I'm trying to convince Donghae to come too."

"Actually, uh..." Min glanced at Jaejoong, wondering how he would think of the whole situation. "My boyfriend just came back so..."

"O-oh. Right. Of course. You'd probably want to spend couple time, hahah, yeah, sorry, um," Kibum's voice was sounding strained over the phone.

"Umm..." He didn't really want to make things more awkward, but offering to go with Jae didn't seem like a good idea to Min either. Who is it? mouthed Jae.

"It's Kibum asking if we want to come to this dinner thing Heechul's doing," Changmin whispered as he covered the hand piece. Jae raised his eyebrow.

"That Kibum, as in the one who confessed--"
"Yes, yes, that one. Uh. Yeah, I can just say we can't go, um," Changmin bit his lip.

"Changmin?" Kibum's voice filtered through his fingers.
"Uh, hold on a sec there," Min replied. He looked up at Jae again.

Jae shrugged his shoulders.
"It might be better for him, help him move on maybe? Anyway, I've been wanting to meet this Heechul character for some time."

"Do you think that's a really good idea? I don't really want to make this an ugly, awkward situation," Changmin worried.

"Well, he's important enough to you to want to keep as a friend. Let's just all meet up and see what happens, okay? He's going to have to meet me sometime or another." Jae smiled at him and gave him a thumbs up.

Changmin wasn't feeling so sure, but he nodded anyway.

"Yeah, Kibum? Can the both of us come? Is that alright? You sure? Okay." Min hung up the phone.

#jaemin, ^sophomore year, !fanfic

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