Sophomore Year, Chapter 6

Feb 18, 2007 22:39

It's been a rather crazy time at work, where I haven't really had the time to just sit and concentrate. I've been having a rather long block on this story and even wrote a shorter Jaemin drabble to try and figure out what I want to do here, but it didn't really come out until now. Though even now, I'm not really sure how I feel about this chapter; I'm definitely going into more unknown territory.

Anyway, I do want to continue with this story; it's just the first time I'm writing something on the spot with no clear direction. Apologies for the wait (if there are people still reading this), but I think I have a better idea of where I'm going. It just might get a little epic ^^;;.

Title: Sophomore Year 6/?
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance/AU
Pairing: Jaemin
Disclaimer: Fanwork is purely fictional and do not imply any actual relationship or event.

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5

Min couldn't believe how quickly time had passed. It would soon be their six-month anniversary. Though to be perfectly honest, he and Jae didn’t really do the whole mushy anniversary celebrations too often. However, Junsu had been teasing him about it all week and Min thought it'd be nice if they went out, had a nice dinner, maybe took a walk in the park. Things had been rather busy and hectic as of late, considering they could only really meet for meals. They had tried study sessions, but they usually ended up…not studying, so it would be good to get out and actually plan something as a couple.

It was only April, but Min already had plans for the summer with Jae. They would go to the beach, maybe visit Min's summer house on the Cape, do a roadtrip and otherwise hang out. He wasn't quite sure what he would be doing job wise (part-time library and volunteer at the med clinic?) but he knew that it would be with Jae.

Done for the day, Min quickly checked Jae's schedule to see if he was free. Hmm, he'd be out of music theory in 10 minutes…Min decided to drop in on Junsu and then ask Jae about this Saturday.

"Hey Junsu? It's Min, I'm at the middle door," said Min through the intercom.
"Oh, um, okay, hang on a sec-“ Junsu sounded a little bit odd for some reason, but Min couldn’t quite put his finger on it.

When the door opened, Junsu was in PJ pants and a sweatshirt, his hair slightly mussed and looking somewhat distracted.

"Were you sleeping again?" Min teased.
"Oh um, hahah, yeah…" Junsu replied. Min simply looked at his friend with some curiosity, wondering why Junsu seemed a little…out of sorts. Junsu led Min and they began walking up the stairs.

"Anyway, what's up?" Junsu asked.
"Oh, nothing much really…was going to ask Jae what he wanted to do for our 6 month -"

But here, Min had entered Junsu's room to find Micky tinkering on Junsu's computer. Looking back at Junsu a little more carefully (and the increasingly reddening face), Min simply smiled and greeted Micky.

"Hello! What are you up to?"
"Oh, hey Min~ Not much…just one of those days you know?"
"Mmm, I see…"

Micky was a little more collected, but upon closer notice Min could see that his clothes were slightly rumpled and his hair askew.

"Anyway! Just wanted to see how you guys were doing…hope it's been a good day for you both~" Min couldn't help from grinning madly as it seemed his friends had been engaging in certain activities. Deciding the bed might be a little too dangerous, Min sat on the floor to lean against one of the bedposts.

"So Junsu, any recommendations on how to make a lover be *extremely* happy and pleased?"

Junsu made a slight strangling noise, before coughing slightly and clearing his throat.

Min was enjoying this way too much and decided to not tease his friend so much.
"I was thinking of a really nice romantic dinner and a walk in the park..." Min began.
"That, that sounds good," said Junsu.
"Yeah...I should probably see if Jae's around and ask him what he wants to do..." Min said.
"Good idea! I'll, um, see you 'round!" Junsu said quickly.

And with that, Min swiftly got up and walked towards Jae's door across the hall.

"Do you think he suspects?" Junsu whispered.
"'Su, the way you were acting, I'm *sure* he felt something was going on. Anyway, whatever! he's too love love with Jae right now...are you ashamed?" Micky questioned.
"No no! It's not like that...I just, I want to tell him straight up and not have him 'find out' you know? Like, in the middle of something..."
"Hehe, well, it might give Min some good ideas for Jae-“
"You know it."
Min simply laughed at the whispers between Junsu and Micky. So he was right! But first, he had a task to do and that was to find Jae.
Knock knock!

Min slowly opened the door to find Jae sprawled on his bed. Closing the door behind him, Min quietly sat next to Jae. Min gave into the temptation of slowly brushing Jae's hair to the side. Jae looked peaceful, his longish dark hair framing his serene face. Jae's noise crinkled slightly as he turned towards Min.
"You still asleep?"
"You's nice to see you like this too. Just resting...I've had a rather long day too you know..."

Min lay down next to Jae, slowly stroking Jae’s hair. Min couldn’t help the gentle smile that lingered on his lips. Yawning slightly, Min found himself burrowing under the covers. Perhaps a little nap couldn’t hurt…especially since Jae didn't seem like he would wake up anytime soon.
When he opened his eyes, Min was a little disoriented. The ceiling looked odd for some reason and the sun was setting on the wrong side. Also, his back ached funny. And the comforter was a little too short on him.

“Finally decided to wake up hmmm?”

Min turned his head a little too quickly, making his neck ache in protest. Rubbing in pain, Min looked up at Jae. Nonchalantly leaning against the wall, Jae was reading a book while having Min’s head propped in his lap.

“Though, you are a very nice present to wake up to,” Jae smirked, glancing from above his glasses.
“Sheesh, stop being corny,” Min said, but he couldn't help the blush on his cheeks.
“Anyway, what’s up? Any particular reason you decided to drop in?”

“I was wondering what you wanted to do for Saturday…for you-know…”
“Hmmm…I wouldn’t mind just…spending…a lazy day with you…in bed,” and here Jae had leaned over, dropping kisses lightly on Min’s forehead, cheek, neck and lips. Min sighed in pleasure.

“Mmm, that might be very nice…oh! And I was thinking it’d be nice…if you were around for the summer, we could hang out around the Cape, check out Boston more,” Min said.

Jae stopped mid-kiss. He straightened up slightly and looked serious. Min wasn’t quite sure what to make of the change.

“Min, I probably should have told you earlier...I’m going to Europe for a month with Alex in the summer. We had decided this months ago and she set everything up, so...”

Min didn’t quite know what to say. A whole month? With a girl? In Europe? Then again, what right did he have in denying Jae going to Europe? He knew Jae had grown up in France for a few years when he was younger and often talked about wanting to visit his friends. Min couldn’t really say no to that; Jae hadn’t been able to go back for years. He still was such a Francophile always reading books and watching films.

“Huh? Um, yeah sure. Europe. Well, you’ll finally be able to meet Francois and Tomás, right? So that’s um, exciting and stuff. Really good and all. You always talked about wanting to go back. Yeah...” Min knew he was rambling, but he couldn’t quite piece it together right then.
“Min, I know it’s not ideal...but I will write to you and I’ll have access to e-mail.”
“Sure, sure, yeah, it’s fine, yeah...” Min was playing with the comforter edge, trying very hard not to look disappointed. “It’s just, you know, it would’ve been nice if I could be there with you...”
“I know, Min, I know. It’s going to be hard for me too.”

Min sighed a little, but found himself slowly calming down. It really was a good chance for Jae, and he did want Jae to be happy. It’d be difficult, but maybe it’d be a good chance for Min to have some time to himself to think about his own personal things. Anyway, he didn’t want to be one of those horrible couple-y types solely identified by their relationship. Dependent and clingy and whatnot. Perking up a little bit, Min resolved to not be down.

“Well, then we’ll just have to spend lots of time together before you leave! Like this Saturday, riiiight?” Min looked up at Jae with a grin.
“Yup. But let me plan it all, okay? All you have to do is get dressed up.” Jae bent down to give Min a quick kiss.
“Okay.” Min snuggled closer to Jae’s body.
“Hey, I thought you had section on Thursdays.” Jae said, poking Min’s form slightly.
“Skipping. Long day.”

#jaemin, ^sophomore year, !fanfic

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