[FIC] Sophomore Year Chapter 12

Apr 10, 2008 17:06

This was probably one of the harder chapters to write for me. I couldn't quite seem to get the right vibe with Kibum and Changmin, so I definitely had to sit down and write and re-write before I felt comfortable with what I had. and it's short *gets shot* I'm still not quite satisfied, but I know it's been a while since my last update (sorry!! *gets shot again*).

Title: Sophomore Year 12/?
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance/AU
Pairing: Jaemin
Disclaimer: Fanwork is purely fictional and does not imply any actual relationship or event.
A/N: The first chaptered DBSK fanfic I ever started (like 2006? O.O). Please note overall silliness, random dialogue, the occasional OOCness with some dashes of angst and smex.

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
| Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11

Chapter 12
Changmin stood nervously in front of Heechul and Kibum's apartment. He rang the doorbell and waited, fidgeting and toeing slightly the worn out welcome mat.

The door burst open, and a harried looking Heechul, complete with 5-inch tall bedhead, greeted him.

"Great, you're here. He's in the living room. I'll be upstairs if you guys need anything," and with that, Changmin was ushered in.

Kibum was wedged in the corner of the sofa with his knees tucked under his chin. His nose was rather red and his shoulders were slumped. He looked up, but looked down again, his cheeks tinged red (with embarrassment, Changmin assumed).

"Uh, hi..." Changmin said softly. He felt awkward standing, so he slowly made his way to the couch and sat next to Kibum. The frame squeaked slightly, and Changmin grabbed a pillow to place on his lap.

They didn't say anything at first. Changmin was wondering if he should start when Kibum interrupted his thoughts first.

"I didn't know," he said, his voice rough and scratchy. "I-I'm not really used to this. Shit. First time I've ever said something to a guy, and yeah..." Kibum sighed.

"I'm sorry," Changmin said, knowing that the words sounded overused and trite. But he couldn't think of anything else to say.

"Yeah, me too. Probably wouldn't have had a chance anyway, right?" Kibum cracked a pained smile, and his eyes were looking glassy.

Changmin bit his lip and just shook his head. It was hard to look at Kibum, but Changmin held his gaze. Eventually though, Kibum hugged himself tighter and went back to staring at the floor.

They sat there in silence, Changmin wondering more and more if he should leave Kibum to be by himself but feeling uneasy about just getting up. He picked at the pillow edges, idly noting that the washing instructions tag was about to tear off.

Should he hug him? Tell him they could still be friends? Changmin just didn't know. He fingered the edge of the pillow, tugging slightly at the corner.

"Guess I should've asked you earlier... if you had a boyfriend," Kibum added quietly. "I'm sorry I pushed myself on you."

Kibum sighed and wiped at his nose. Changmin, looking around quickly, noted the tissue box on the other side of the couch. He got up and offered it to Kibum, knowing it was only a small amend he could make.

"Shit. I haven't gotten so worked up since I was a kid."

"I"m sorry," Changmin repeated, feeling helpless.

They sat there, for what seemed like an eternity to Changmin. It felt incredibly silent, except for the occasional snuffles Kibum was making. Changmin resisted the urge to fidget. He found himself glancing at the magazines on the coffee table, political figures and musicians looking up at him.

But suddenly, Kibum just shook his head and laughed somewhat self-consciously. Changmin jumped a little, alarmed at the noise. He cocked his head and wondered if Kibum was alright.

“Hrm?” Changmin looked at Kibum quizzically.

"Enough of this. Heechul thinks I'm emo enough considering I don't talk too much. Forget it all, move on?" Kibum quirked a nervous smile. His eyes and nose were still red though, and Changmin wondered if Kibum was really okay.

“S-sure? Is that okay with you?” Changmin asked tentatively. He couldn’t help but feel that Kibum was being too generous here.

"Yeah. I don't talk this much around most people. You're one of the few. Seems stupid to just toss that away for a misunderstanding." Kibum smiled, genuinely smiled, and Changmin knew he was being earnest. But he was sure it was still bittersweet.

“Okay,” Changmin replied softly.

"Guys, I hate to be a nag, but Kibum, your horrib-I mean, lovely cousins just called me to say they are coming soon and I know you needed to clean some stuff before they came so are you all set? If not, I can tell them you're horribly sick and contagious and take them out to tea or something!" Heechul yelled down the stairs, startling both Kibum and Changmin out of their thoughts.

"Uh, right. Yeah...” Kibum scratched his head as he looked at Changmin a little sheepishly. Changmin smothered a chuckle.

"We're done! Don't worry, I'll distract them completely so they won't bother you!" Kibum answered, voice carrying up the stairs.

"I can go let you do your family thing," Changmin began. "If I'm in the way and all. But um, we can hang out maybe later or whenever you're free?"

Kibum nodded.

"Yeah, sounds good. And uh, thanks. For coming. I wasn't sure if you would," Kibum mumbled slightly.

"Of course I would come," Changmin answered. "You deserve at least that much."

They said goodbye and Changmin found himself relaxing. He had thought it would be more emotional and difficult, but it seemed like things would be okay. They would make it okay.

Min noted to himself to always mention Jae whenever he met someone new.

#jaemin, ^sophomore year, !fanfic

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