Title: Shifting Phases (3 of 3)
Word: #19: water
Rating: PG-15
A/N: For book project at
hosu_yongwonhi. And I finished! ^^ I think I edited and re-wrote this chappie too much considering the actual length it is hahah. I'm not sure if I'll try HoSu again (I'm still having difficulty writing them), but it was definitely a fun and interesting challenge. Hope
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i'm glad you finished them my unnie because gah they are wonderfully written i must say. unnie! hwaiting :D
*hugs* awww~~ hwaiting! hmm, is there a term for the other way? Maybe dongsaeng but is that just for boys? hahah.
*bows down before uber coolios unnie who is living the dream of being... whatever she is lol*
OMG, LMAO girl. you're great. XD I'm your stereotypical office lackey right now, but hope I can do internat'l business in the future ^^.
Yeah, Korean's hard to find... I was lucky just to be able to take Japanese at school. I would love to take Korean too! I know all these random words now like "aegyo" and of course "saranghae" and "otoke" (or however you spell that phrase).
er... i can say...nothing but simple words lol yunho has taught me like half of them lol
chotarak-chopsticks,the hyung, unnie, noona, dongsaeng, ajumma, ajusshi, omma, appa, etc thingies,
the bo which is like what?... and random words you pick up here and there through the bands songs lol
True true, my vocab is so random lol.
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