(no subject)

Oct 15, 2006 22:50

hey kegan.

surprised at this mode of communication? haha. i would've locked this, but you don't have a livejournal. (GET A USER ACCOUNT NOWNOWNOWNOW!!!) well i was pleasantly surprised, twofold, by your short letter. the past days have been a blur for me, with open house and things happening at home. i'm sorry that i overlooked that it was your last official day of school on friday, not to mention i took so long to reply.

anyway, thank you for being a caring friend and senior all through this year! it was a pleasure to talk to you about anything from the initial novelties of M.A.D to the many philosophies of life. and the enriching reads from your blogspot. i think in this respect, nick was spot on about you: your humble gentlemanliness (if there's such a word) belies the depth of a person who has seen and gone through much. many a time i found parallels in my predicaments, and drew comfort and counsel in your experiences and from walking in your footsteps, in a manner of speaking. maybe it's people like you who still inspire confidence in your peers that everyone has a bit of magic hidden up his sleeves. everyone, no matter how unremarkable or even dislikeable.

and i have made pretty poor repayments to your kindness to me as a junior and distant care-taker, too. i ranted to you about my problems, in seclusion to your own. while you may see it as a form of updating you, i guess it's a really inefficient way of doing so, and i often felt guilty after tormenting you with much grovelling. haha. but thank you so much for always indulging me with attention that i haven't done much to earn.

lastly, though we haven't been very close as far as contact is concerned, i'm glad that we managed to communicate in a more personal and comfortable frequency! time flies, and this entry probably ushers you towards facing the reality of a coming national examination, and life thereafter. know no fear, and see the fullness of what life has to offer! i'm impressed by your calm, collected attitude, and i'm glad you know what you're doing and what you're up against. jiayou! and come back to do dance night with us again... (:

kelvin, a.k.a monkey

P.S. i haven't forgotten the shoes you loaned me for Korea! saved my bacon there. (: take care.
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