Apr 12, 2011 02:01

[ Player Name ] : Blake
[ Personal LJ ] : tempestadifiama
[ Age ] : 15
[ Timezone ] : Pacific
[ Other Characters ] : Sollux Captor and Death the Kid

[ Character's Name ] : Azure Flame Kite or just Azure Kite
[ Character's Age ] : ??
[ Series ] : .Hack//GU
[ Canon Point ] : After being defeated by Ovan. But also after he has healed.

[ History ] :

[ Personality ] :
Azure Kite is a very quiet person. Since he's an AI, he doesn't understand emotions all that well. But he does have manners. He hardly talks at all and when he does talk, it's only little breath-like sounds and/or battle cries that sound much like a zombie. He's actually pretty intelligent and has his own thoughts about certain things. Although he doesn't express his own thoughts.

He's a program, an artificial intelligence and he knows it. He was based off of a previous player named Kite and therefore, he shares some of the same traits with him. He's quite determined to protect Aura and anyone else he may befriend. Although, he's determined to the point of destroying anything that opposes a threat. He's also much like the first Kite because he's courageous and he will protect his friends. Such as Haseo. He also likes some of the same things such as soccer.

He doesn't talk to any of the players much but he does seem to be interested in Haseo. And if he's interested in you, he'll talk and help you out. Such as when Haseo was fighting Sakaki, he jumped in to help but ended up being torn to shreds by Ovan's AIDA arm. He later appears in Redemption and finishes off Sakaki. Then he gives Haseo his weapons and later on he joins his team. So being pals with Azure Kite can be pretty rewarding.

Kite is a very friend based person and he will protect you with his life if you're close enough to him. Azure Kite is also like this but it's mostly with Aura or Haseo. He will, however, protect you at all cost if he befriends you. Kite also has a sense of justice and Azure Kite does as well. Azure Kite takes out anyone who seems like a threat to the World and it's players so everything is safe for the World's players and for Aura. His whole life is dedicated to the World and Aura. He will try to do anything he can to protect those close to him, even if it means he's sacrificed. It isn't that hard to get on his good side, he does like others. But it's also quite hard because he never shows himself unless he's out to get a virus/bad player/AIDA. Even then, he's too enticed with his work to pay any attention to anyone. You'll just have to catch him at a good time. But, much like the original Kite, once you are his friend, he will join your party happily and he'll even send you messages and share his opinions on things he normally doesn't talk about.

He doesn't talk much to anyone because he's never really had to before. He's a programed AI so he's not supposed to have much interactions with players in the World. He's programmed without emotions but he still feels something and he still thinks for himself. He doesn't like to show his emotions or his thoughts, however. He spends most of his time inside a coffin, waiting for orders to come around. Unless he is summoned by Haseo. Then he will join his team and act as a teammate. He will do whatever he is ordered as long as it isn't something ridiculous and he will be loyal to his leader.

[ Strengths/Weaknesses ] :

1. He's pretty much invincible.
2. He has little to no emotions so he can't really be emotionally hurt.
3. He's very strong and has no fear.
4. He can attack anything without remorse.
5. He can be friendly in his own way.


1. He's an AI so he can't understand emotions.
2. He can't speak normally.
3. His typing looks like some sort of corrupted code.
4. If he detects a threat, or AIDA, he will destroy everything until the threat is gone.
5. He does not stop fighting until he's either stopped by Aura or killed.
6. He's pretty much invincible, but only when Aura is around. Without her, he cannot be rebuilt.

[ Other Important Facts ] :
He's a computer program. :U An AI and he was made primarily to destroy AIDA, which are abnormalities in the World.

[ Sample ] :
He opens his eyes and blinks twice. He had no clue how he ended up somewhere else. He was previously waiting for orders in his coffin. He stands up and scans the area around him.

Current location: Unknown.
Scanning for lifeforms.
Lifeforms: Affirmative.
Objective: None.

No objective at the moment? That slightly worried Azure Kite but he could do without an objective for now. He turns around and stares at the coral for a minute.

Item: Large coral emitting a glow. Most likely from a different source of life.

He decidedly moves on. He had more things to worry about than a giant seashell. He wanders around, becoming more and more worried about Aura.

Scanning for Aura...
Aura not found.

Aura not found? He frowns. How could that be? Maybe his programming was malfunctioning a little. Just to make sure, he takes out his Starfish Communicator and sends a message to the Network.

I w$%^d *!#e ^) ^&o$ \^e&!$>+y %^?(@ I <( (3& @h$%? Au$# 3*. Please #&*%ly the (*>#@&* inf*r$!tion as q*#(k @# y(\ c?>.

He puts the communicator away. Where were the other knights? Where was Aura? And where was he? These were questions that he needed answers for. He decided that this would be his new objective for the moment. Finding the others and figuring out where he was and how he could get back to the World.

He decides to do one last scan before starting this journey.

Scanning for AIDA...
AIDA not found.

Well, at least he didn't have to worry about AIDA at the moment. But he wasn't about to let his guard down. A new place means new people and new enemies.

[ Questions? Comments? Concerns? ] : Nope.

vatheon, !application, !ooc, azure kite

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