Yay, haven't missed an update in awhile. Kept putting it off yesterday, cause I had little to say except that the Sims 2 is a black hole which sucks your life into it if you're not careful. I blame
musicwmnvla's entries for getting me addicted again after having kicked the Sims habbit years ago! >.<
I don't have much to say yet about specific families since both of my current ones are total experiments just to figure out how the game works [I made myself, but I don't like him very much ^_^]. Worse, I fucked up right from the getgo. I gave my sim a wife and a sister, neither of which I have, just for fun. Only, one of the first things I did was accidently have the sister hit on the wife in front of the husband. Erm, oops? Seriously thought I was controlling Michael at the time. Needless to say he was -pissed.- Took some time fixing that, and Michael still has little love for his sister. Dipshit. For a couple days afterwards his current and permanent moods towards her were at -zero.- Another note to self: when having a rocky marriage, don't allow either participant to become friends with someone with a Romance aspiration. Further correlary to note to self: don't let -both- of them become friends with her. Addendum to note to self: it's okay to let the sister become friends with her, just not if the brother and sister-in-law are also friends with her. *coughs politely* Yeah. Uhm. Stuff. I should have known she was going to end up that way when I named her Andrea Giovanni. No,
trevoke, not after the Vampires, either.
Ah well. I plan on owning the game eventually [it's on loan from
musicwmnvla at the moment] and if I haven't done so already, I'm going to start over from scratch. Though the cool thing is, I think I can save and reimport the body of my sim, since I spent awhile trying to work on the face. It isn't perfect, but then I didn't sit there with a mirror in hand, either.
If I can figure out how, I may begin to take
musicwmnvla's route and post pictures.
And for the hell of it, a meme:
I'm so ashamed. Fifty percent of people are more weird than I am.