Title: Violet Buttons
Characters/Pairing: House/Cameron
Prompt: 001. Beginnings
Word Count: 506
Rating: G? PG? Somewhere around there.
Spoilers: Spoils the second season finale, "No Reason."
Author's Notes: We're going to play a game here, kids. For every five
housefic50 fics I write, I will take the first two requests for fics. However, this opportunity
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She obviously would have no clue about the buttons...
I loved that he sent her a button... and they went back and forth with buttons and notes... so much said in so few words. Beautiful.
(Going in mems!)
Perfect icon to comment with. :)
I couldn't help myself... ;)
Thanks! (I always get a big thrill out of being in peoples' memories. :D )
*hugs* I really enjoyed it...
Have you thought about posting it on house_cameron?
But who knows, maybe I'll write a sequal or something and will post the lot there. :)
I can understand, but you shouldn't... so many people post the same fic at housefic, house_cameron, and rx_only. I wouldn't worry too much about it... most writers just want to share it with as many readers as possible & the other two comms are H/C lovers! ;)
But who knows, maybe I'll write a sequal or something and will post the lot there. :)
That sounds like a great idea!
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