Sorry for the delay... Here is the sneak peek of Twilight Soldier, Chapter 15.
“Can you…” Bella hesitated. “Can you read their thoughts?”
Edward turned back to Bella and answered, “Yes.”
“Are their thoughts as funny as their facial expressions? I do wonder,” Bella commented with a laugh.
Edward gave another glance at the Mike and Eric before he replied, “They are jealous.”
“Of what?” Bella asked immediately.
“Of me. Of our… they are not sure what to call it. They are surprised we are sitting together… it was sudden for them. They cannot comprehend that this is actually happening.”
“Hmmm,” Bella murmured thoughtfully. “I guess they have good reason to be jealous. I am sitting across from a great looking guy after all.”
Edward froze at her statement and if vampires could blush, he would have been bright red. Bella burst out laughing at the same time there was another roar of laughter. Bella looked over curiously before she realised it was coming from the Cullen table and from Emmett in particular.
“Just kidding,” Bella said turning back to Edward. “You know, you should really take a load off. It’s okay to laugh at least some of the time.”
There was another roar of laughter from the Cullen table.
“It seems my family would agree with you,” Edward stated.
“Well you do have a sense of seriousness about you. You've got a live a little though,” Bella told him and a little softer added, “I know this from experience”.