Mar 01, 2017 13:56
Hola, Tovarischch! Wie gehts es dir?
I'm amusing myself today thinking of language and how it twists upon itself in fun ways.
I'm thinking of migrating this journal over to my Dreamwidth journal. I'd have to severely slash the number of my tags and get a paid account to accommodate my user icons, but I'm starting to think maybe I should. I know there's been talk and talk about all the problems of LJ pretty much since I started here, and the subject was old then, but the talk is still there and not getting any better. So maybe I should just transfer over and crosspost from there? I feel like it's not like there are more than 3 of you on my friends list reading me anyway, and I'm not sure at all how often that happens. It's no bother; I have a journal mostly for my own benefit and friends are welcome but not vital to the process. Love you guys that do read, tho! Thanks! =)
blogging about posting,