Linky links

Apr 17, 2012 16:30

Currently on Ill-Advised, the parenting article The Bloggess writes for CafeMom, simple things you should do for your kids. Also, maybe some things you shouldn't do, it all balances out. Also, can we get a Hell Yeah on number 10?

Besides, if you don’t let kids make mistakes when they’re young they’ll wait until they’re old enough to be prosecuted as adults and then all your retirement money will go to bail. It’s far better (and more economic) to let them screw up while they’re still considered minors.

I've said it myself, and people don't believe I'm right. Y'all, she gets paid to say this, so she must be right, right?

Also, a thermosaurus? Awesomeness!

Also, tips from Elle Persephone to online dating via Look A Red Herring!. Start here. I know it says 3 tips, trust me, there are more at Elle's blog. Read it! Wish I had run across this a few years back! I don't know if I totally agree with all of The Rules (they seem extremely passive to me, but what do I know), but I agree it helps if there are rules, already laid out, so you have some idea of what to do (assuming of course, that you don't already know How Things Work)(also, do guys really know The Rules? It seemed like a given as she explained them, but really? Do they? Does guy-dom come with a manual?). Has anyone here tried to date like this? I'd be interested in knowing how it worked for you.

"This year-long journey of dating has given me hope. The reliance on myself to observe quickly and accurately is a challenge to which I have risen quite admirably. I have cast aside all judgment except the smallest and most necessary: Do I want to spend another moment with this person? This question has infiltrated every aspect of social situations. I have made better decisions everyday because of it. I have left parties under the excuse of heading to the bathroom, I have said no to committees and events and still more parties because deep inside I didn't want to go. I have abandoned conversations sweetly because they are boring and never cared for a moment. I am not selfish. This process has taught me the value of time, my own precious time. It is not to be wasted, as this would be the true sin.
What kind of man is he? Is he kind, does he have good manners and breeding or does he ask bold questions that are argumentative? Is he asking valid questions or does he love the sound of his own voice? Does he call you? Does he leave a message? Is it just texts? Does he ask you out, or just tease you with the possibility? Does he follow through on plans? Does he give excuses? Are they believable? Is he trying to be a blessing in your life?

A good woman is a blessing in a man's life. I am a good woman. This is my hope-filled journey. -- Elle Persephone

More later! Spent much too much time on this last one, but it was so interesting!

blogger:the bloggess, unrestrained parenthetical commentary, blog:look a red herring, dating, weblinks, recs, parenting, quotes, blog:ill advised, blog:elle persephone

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