Mar 27, 2012 13:35
I forgot to mention I went to see a counselor at the college a couple weeks ago. I needed to find out if the plan I was following to transfer over to the UC was still good. Well, instead of the 3 classes I knew I needed (Zoology, Botany, Prob & Stats), I have 8 - 2 Physics, 2 Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, Calculus - and, as an alternate to the impossible-to-get-into class of Prob & Stat, I can take Survey of Calculus, which is just an overview class and much less crowded than the class *everyone* else needs. Probably slightly less expensive on the book too, but we'll see about that. I think I can get most books and supplies on EBay, so that's something.
I thought about asking Saru to do the paperwork on a Pell Grant for me, as he did it last semester and got accepted (but then didn't have the credits necessary to keep it). The only problem is that requires you to carry 12 credits/units and that would be at least 3 classes for me. As I'm only taking night classes, that might be tough, but I am going to have to try to take as many as I can, just to get this done. I've been going to CC since 1995, never thinking it would take me this long to get it together. I've *got* to get this done and get on with what I might be able to do with my life, instead of coasting.
It will be slightly easier now than in the past. zdude is all about the emotional and mental support, and I am in control of my own money and time with just about enuf of each to make it work. What UC holds for me after this, I'm not sure, but let's get thru this step before we worry, k? Moving forward, even in baby steps, is better than standing still and stagnating.
the old college try,
getting shit done,
being a grown up,
keep on keeping on,
i anticipate being a nervous wreck,
learning to be the person i want to be,
my kids,